Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'm being random

Heyyyy. I know it's been a while. Huhu. So, I will basically just talk about anything.

So, it's December already. Hmm. My December this year so far went like below.

I had an outing with my friends, and we watched New Moon! There were a lot of changes. I still much much prefer the book, even though I found Bella is much much annoying in the book. Haha.

Besides that, the first Sunday in December was my grandmother's 70th birthday celebration. And the coolest thing about it was that we all wore ORANGE on that day! We as in family members. Rugged lah. Haha. Pictures are (or will be) available at facebook. I don't know the status because my brother (or sister kali) is the one who does the uploading and tagging. I'm so malas with that. Haha.

The second Sunday which is today, another makan2 at my second cousin. Majlis doa selamat that is. Hehe.

Then, the next Sunday will be our 30th monthsary. :)

On the 24th, we'll be having the makan 100 hari of my late grandfather. Hehe.

What else?

I've been spending my holidays watching DVDs like nobody's business. Haha. And I always watch it at night. Which disturbs my sleeping pattern, which in turn irritates me, sometimes. Haha. Tapi masih jua dibuat. I wonder what ever was I doing at day time. Hmm. Oh well. I just feel like if malam macam nada kan diingau. Tapi if siang, nada jua kan dibuat inda salahku. Cemana kan tu? Haha.

And I've been wanting to know the exam results. Like, seriously. ITB-ians tau sudah ah. UBD bila ah? Hmm. Anyway, I hope I did well. Hehe.

Things left to be done:
-- Sleepover at Yuh's place. I keep on delaying because I don't know when she will be at home. She seems to be going out a lot lately so yeah. She did say she's kinda broke right now so maybe that's my chance. So babe, keep your doors open. Haha.
-- Bowling with friends. Heee.
-- A date with my lovely, lovely boyfriend. Just the two of us. Tapi I need to persuade him dulu. Hehehe. Me and my evil plans. :D
-- Melapis buku-buku adik-adikku yang tersayang and tercinta. Hehe.

I guess I'll stop here. This may be my only post for December. I just don't have that much of enthusiasm in blogging anymore. Huhu. Anyway, take care. :)

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