Ok, get this.
If your neighbour yang berhajat rah kamu, who goes to whose place to tell you of their hajat? Of course lah the one yang berhajat atu kan aga ke rumah kamu. Right? Right?
Also, if you want people to know how ikhlas you are, inda kah patutnya ia sendiri yg menyampaikan apa yang ia minta atu? Inda jaaaaaa? Awuuuu sajaaaaaa.
Another thing, you don't just assume that people will agree with you, just because you've done what you want to do again. It's much more appropriate and bisai usulnya (kata orang Brunei) if minta izin dulu. Not just in Brunei, di mana2 pun regardless of your race and religion.
And this is what they do wrong to us:
First, I was the one (the one yg bukan berhajat) go to their place. Not really place. Just their zone. Sebalah pagar lagi tu saja. She doesn't even want to get out of their zone. Goshhh. This is wrong pasal ia yg patutnya go to our place, or at least our zone.
Second, bulih kah tu ia suruh amahnya menyampaikan hajat rah kami?? This is even more terribly wrong than the first one. Hah. Instead of ia sendiri bercakap, amahnya tah pulang ni wahhhh. Astaghfirullahalazeem~
Third, amahnya atu inda cakap durang minta izin. She didn't even mention the word 'izin', or at least ask if we're ok with it or inda. They just assumed we're ok with it and tarus bagi arahan.
Fourth, amahnya cakap dari sebarang saja. Inda rude mana tu? You tell me. I don't blame the amah though. Of course lah majikannya yg bagi arahan atu. So, I'm furious with the boss here. Heh.
And this is what I think they should do:
Mun kan berhajat banar2 atu, please do it properly dehhhhh. Ke rumah (nda jua jauh kali eh~), cakap sama tuan rumah (in this case, my dad of course). Kan cantik~ ada manners, beradab, respect and hormat jiran jadinya. Manis jua tu cematu atu. Nda manis kan? Manis kaliah~ Nah, mental ku sudah.
You see how one action can influence how people think of you and how people respect you? I can see it clearly alright.
Alhamdulillah, I managed not to use bad words di sini. I don't want to tell the full story here. Yes, there are 2 sides to every story. But I don't judge a story by who's right and who's wrong. I judge it by what's right and what's wrong. And trust me, I know what they did (and going to do yet again) is wrong!
Nabi (saw) bersabda:
Demi Allah tidak beriman orang itu. Seorang bertanya, "Siapakah orang itu wahai Rasulullah?" Beliau menjawab, "Orang yang jirannya tidak aman daripada bencananya."
(Bukhari, Muslim Ahmad dan lainnya)
God bless you all. :)
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