I'm sooooo hyper and feeling happy right now. Pasal aku jumpa si gendutku tadi. We didn't plan it actually. Hehe. Kami kelaie sejenak tadi. Like, 30 minutes lah cematu. After that, berdamai tah kami. Lol. Lameeee. And then suddenly, ia minta dangani ke Tutong. Tarus dinner. That contributes to me being hyper and happy. Haha. First thing tadi, photocopy his certificates di Bismi. Ia kan apply keraja at BMC. Brunei Meat Company that is. Haha. Nada wah~ Brunei Methanol Company. Hehe. Then he also wants to try kraja arah bank. I don't know which bank. Lupa saya tanya tadi. Heeee. Good luck and all the best LOVE! :)
After that, we went to OGY Complex. First, for me to withdraw some cash. In which elaunku bertambah udah. Yeayy! Tapi alum full. Anyway, still, yeayy! Haha. And second, to take his passport-sized pictures. He developed 5 of it and gave one to me. Since ia ada simpan mine jua. Tapi aku alum bagi ia yang latest one. Hmm. Next time dearie. :)
Awuu, kami simpan gambar passport of each other. Weird huh? Inda pun~ Haha. After that, we went to Petani Mall. First, aku bali tudung. Hehe. Then, bali beg untuk my sis, si Didi. *kirai2* Haha. Then, kami bali tissue. Yang small pack atu. Aku tau ani sekadar, tapi aku mau include jua. Aha. Then, we went to Jollibeeeeee. As usual, ia tunggu aku siap mamam. I eat slower than normal people do. Banaarrr. Don't know why. Hehe. And then, kami balik. But singgah kedai kaling dulu. Bali easi top-up, which I forgot tadi tu. Thanks to him pasal ingatkan. It's amazing how forgetful I can be sometimes. Tah karang~ Hahaha.
Oh btw, happy birthday to my dear friend, Siti Nurhaziqah. Better known as Gkah, and Gixe. Happy 19th birthday babe! Welcome to the world of 9teens. ;)
With that, I end my post here. Goodnight~
Love him. :)
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