I just knew my result this morning. My sister text me up. Huhu.
So anyway, I got A for my Maths, D for both Biology and Chemistry. And GP? I got U! Haha.
My comments: I'm so happy that I got A for Maths. It has been my goal since the day I got c for my AS, back in June. Huhu. I'm quite disappointed with my Bio actually. I was expecting a C. But hey, I'm thankful that it's a D. Not E or U. Hehe. Maybe I didn't work hard enough x. I thought I did anyway. Haha. Chemistry? Honestly, D makes me happy. I was expecting an E or U. But D instead. So, it's not that bad. Huhu. GP? OMG! This one, I don't know what to say. Mr Raj said, "Vivi, what a swing!" Yes, what a swing! 360 degrees. Haha. I just feel so lucky that I took my June and got an A. Huhu.
What the teachers say:
(Mrs Laly, my Biology teacher) I said sorry to her that I got a D. And she said it's ok. She always expect me to get an A or at least a B. It's amazing how a teacher can believe so much in you when you yourself don't put that much of trust in yourself. I do feel bad though. Stupid planning paper. Haha. I got U for that. The rest, Cs and Ds. Huhu.
(Mrs Tan Jee Yam, my Chemistry teacher) I didn't actually say much to her. She said my result was not that bad. She did expect me to get a C though. But my papers were okay. All Cs and Ds except for my planning. I got an A! Huhu.
(Mr Lim Teck Chang, my Mechanics and Statistics teacher) When I told him I got a C for my mechanics, he was like, "C ?!". Haha. I was never really good at mechanics anyway. I got U for my June last time. I'm just glad that I didn't get another U. Huhu. I got an A for statistics. I honestly didn't expect that. But I have to admit that I'm better at statistics than at mechanics. Banar. To me, mechanics is the maths version of organic chemistry. Haha. He gave me $5 tadi. Always. The money-giver teacher. Mcm Mr Raj jua. Huhu.
(Ms Lim Gea Kuan, my Maths teacher) She didn't say much. I told her that I got A for paper 1 and B for paper 3. And she just smiled. Satisfied? I'm taking that as a yes. Huhu.
So overall, I'm quite happy with my results. And yes, I am thankful to God. I got 240 points. So, I have a chance to go overseas. I did look through UCAS again just now. And I did manage to find more than 10 universities, those of which I met their requirements. Huhu. So, yeah. I'm hoping that I can get a degree outside Brunei. :)
Anyway, besides that, I went to the taklimat in the afternoon. It was the typical taklimat thing. Penyelarasnya explained more about the 3 phases. I was slowly freaking out mula2 but actually, there's nothing to worry. Not so much at least. Hehe. I am looking forward to it. Though most probably I won't see a lot of him. Just maybe. Maybe. Okayy, a lot of maybes. Haha.
Tomorrow is February. Or as what they say in the Disney Channel, Ferb-ruary. Haha. Lame. Monday is the start of the attachment. Huhu. And then, there's the PBCTA. :)
I totally forgot about my driving lessons. Haha. Probably I'll be having another lesson tomorrow. If nda ujan. Huhu.
Btw, I met Cqen today. It has been a while nda jumpa ia. Hehe. :)
That concludes my post today. Hehe. Take care people~
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