I just knew my result this morning. My sister text me up. Huhu.
So anyway, I got A for my Maths, D for both Biology and Chemistry. And GP? I got U! Haha.
My comments: I'm so happy that I got A for Maths. It has been my goal since the day I got c for my AS, back in June. Huhu. I'm quite disappointed with my Bio actually. I was expecting a C. But hey, I'm thankful that it's a D. Not E or U. Hehe. Maybe I didn't work hard enough x. I thought I did anyway. Haha. Chemistry? Honestly, D makes me happy. I was expecting an E or U. But D instead. So, it's not that bad. Huhu. GP? OMG! This one, I don't know what to say. Mr Raj said, "Vivi, what a swing!" Yes, what a swing! 360 degrees. Haha. I just feel so lucky that I took my June and got an A. Huhu.
What the teachers say:
(Mrs Laly, my Biology teacher) I said sorry to her that I got a D. And she said it's ok. She always expect me to get an A or at least a B. It's amazing how a teacher can believe so much in you when you yourself don't put that much of trust in yourself. I do feel bad though. Stupid planning paper. Haha. I got U for that. The rest, Cs and Ds. Huhu.
(Mrs Tan Jee Yam, my Chemistry teacher) I didn't actually say much to her. She said my result was not that bad. She did expect me to get a C though. But my papers were okay. All Cs and Ds except for my planning. I got an A! Huhu.
(Mr Lim Teck Chang, my Mechanics and Statistics teacher) When I told him I got a C for my mechanics, he was like, "C ?!". Haha. I was never really good at mechanics anyway. I got U for my June last time. I'm just glad that I didn't get another U. Huhu. I got an A for statistics. I honestly didn't expect that. But I have to admit that I'm better at statistics than at mechanics. Banar. To me, mechanics is the maths version of organic chemistry. Haha. He gave me $5 tadi. Always. The money-giver teacher. Mcm Mr Raj jua. Huhu.
(Ms Lim Gea Kuan, my Maths teacher) She didn't say much. I told her that I got A for paper 1 and B for paper 3. And she just smiled. Satisfied? I'm taking that as a yes. Huhu.
So overall, I'm quite happy with my results. And yes, I am thankful to God. I got 240 points. So, I have a chance to go overseas. I did look through UCAS again just now. And I did manage to find more than 10 universities, those of which I met their requirements. Huhu. So, yeah. I'm hoping that I can get a degree outside Brunei. :)
Anyway, besides that, I went to the taklimat in the afternoon. It was the typical taklimat thing. Penyelarasnya explained more about the 3 phases. I was slowly freaking out mula2 but actually, there's nothing to worry. Not so much at least. Hehe. I am looking forward to it. Though most probably I won't see a lot of him. Just maybe. Maybe. Okayy, a lot of maybes. Haha.
Tomorrow is February. Or as what they say in the Disney Channel, Ferb-ruary. Haha. Lame. Monday is the start of the attachment. Huhu. And then, there's the PBCTA. :)
I totally forgot about my driving lessons. Haha. Probably I'll be having another lesson tomorrow. If nda ujan. Huhu.
Btw, I met Cqen today. It has been a while nda jumpa ia. Hehe. :)
That concludes my post today. Hehe. Take care people~
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tagged by Far
1. Whoever gets tagged has to write 10 things about the person who tagged him/her.
10 things about Far:
She is doing her A Levels at MD. She is a friend of mine whom I know since Form 4. Far is, I believe, a bright student. I don't know her November results though, but I think it should be ok. Looking back at her June, it should be excellent. Huhu. I took a picture with her dulu at Mall when we were celebrating Wan Sing's and Azureen's birthday. In the pink jersey. Huhu. I must say, she is photogenic. She really doesn't like to be compared. Which is just like me jua. Huhu. She has a loud voice. Which is good actually. She is also a confident girl. I think. I never saw her being nervous and things. Hehe. She likes to go out. I think. Hehe. I don't know her that much. And hence, the 9 things might be, I don't know, a crap. Some maybe. Hehe. :)
2. The person who get tagged has to write 10 things about himself/herself.
10 things about me:
I still don't know my result. Haha. Banar. I can be selfish and annoying sometimes. Oh yes people. Huhu. I can be lazy and messy jua. All the judging and comparing? It can affect me in a good or a bad way. Either it can make me a better person or it can pull me down and make me feel so useless in this world. Huhu. I'm in a seriously serious relationship with this special special guy. I had mentioned his name here before. So, go figure who. ;)
I have a wish to further my studies overseas. Hopefully saya dapat. :) I'm currently in the process of having a driving license. Huhu. Many people can't spell my name right. Haha. I'm starting to love Manchester United since I know him. He makes me love red. :)
3. You need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
10 people I tag:
10 things about Far:
2. The person who get tagged has to write 10 things about himself/herself.
10 things about me:
3. You need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
10 people I tag:
- Didi
- Nek
- Gixe
- Cqen
- Siew Lin
- Wan Sing
- Zar
- Miros
- Rafidah
- Grah
Randomness again
Hello people~
I'm just randomly updating my blog with this not-so-important post. Hehe.
So anyway, results were out yesterday. And... I still don't know my results. Seriously, I'm not joking. Huhu. It's just that I didn't register for the SMS thing. Nda berbaloi rasa saya. Huhu. I don't feel like rushing jua to be honest. I don't know what happen to the I-am-at-this-state-where-I-am-desperately-desperate-to-know thing. Gone maybe. Haha. I'll know my result tomorrow. I didn't go to school yesterday. So, I'll be going tomorrow sja. Hehe. Also tomorrow, I'll be going to the taklimat for the program belia cinta tanahair. Huhu.
Also yesterday, I went to Yuh's late dad makan 40 hari. And... Guess what?? Kami tersalah rumah. Haha. Bukit beruang tah jua bah. Lol. Haha.
Anyway, congrates to those of you who got good and excellent results. Huhu. And to those who got not-so-good results, well, don't give up. You can always try again kn. Hehe.
I was supposed to have my 7th driving lesson today but the teacher was not there this morning. So yeah, I'm stuck at 6th. My number. Huhu.
I'm tagged by Far and my sis. I will do it after this. So, this post ends here. Bye. :)
I'm just randomly updating my blog with this not-so-important post. Hehe.
So anyway, results were out yesterday. And... I still don't know my results. Seriously, I'm not joking. Huhu. It's just that I didn't register for the SMS thing. Nda berbaloi rasa saya. Huhu. I don't feel like rushing jua to be honest. I don't know what happen to the I-am-at-this-state-where-I-am-desperately-desperate-to-know thing. Gone maybe. Haha. I'll know my result tomorrow. I didn't go to school yesterday. So, I'll be going tomorrow sja. Hehe. Also tomorrow, I'll be going to the taklimat for the program belia cinta tanahair. Huhu.
Also yesterday, I went to Yuh's late dad makan 40 hari. And... Guess what?? Kami tersalah rumah. Haha. Bukit beruang tah jua bah. Lol. Haha.
Anyway, congrates to those of you who got good and excellent results. Huhu. And to those who got not-so-good results, well, don't give up. You can always try again kn. Hehe.
I was supposed to have my 7th driving lesson today but the teacher was not there this morning. So yeah, I'm stuck at 6th. My number. Huhu.
I'm tagged by Far and my sis. I will do it after this. So, this post ends here. Bye. :)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
One random post
I'm finally updating my blog. Huhu.
So, what was I up to? Hmm.
Driving lesson updates: 6 hours udah. And I'm guessing nada pole lagi yg akan tumbang. Most probably. I'm getting better with the parkings. Huhu. And today, I drove for the first time. And God! I was scared. Haha. I will have another lesson on Friday. Huhu.
Chinese New Year at Elza's cousin's place updates: It was on Monday actually. I didn't have the chance to post so, that's why. Anyway, it was fun. I finally meet him after 4 weeks and 5 days not seeing each other. Huhu. It was raining at that time. Tapi ujannya nda KUAT, according to someone. Nda labat lah tu maksudnya. Haha. I don't want to mention any names. Tau2 lah sja ah~ Haha. We went to Elza's grandparents' place after that. After watching Mirrors that is. Haha. It was so lame. Ada org takut tapi masih jua mau meliat. Haha. Among who was there were Yuhana, Waie (Yuh's brother), Ilham, Silah, Bobeh, Nadzri, Wali, Fadhil, another Nazri and Aswandi. And if it wasn't obvious, of course there was me and my Addie as well. Huhu. I reached home at 7pm plus. And... I had another pillow. It's white and pink. Love it! Thanks dear. :)
What else?
Oh yeah, the result. I was freaking out yesterday because my aunt said that it was going to be out yesterday. She called my mom. Tapi nada jua. I've been punked kh apa. Haha. I was hoping it was going to be today but it doesn't seem to be so. I think. Anyway, I'm planning to go to school with Addie tomorrow if the result is out today. Supposed to be. Haha. But out or nda, maybe I'll just go x. I don't have any other day bah jua. Tomorrow is the only day where I'm not going to have any driving lesson. And since next week is already February, I'm guessing tomorrow will be perfect. I know this might sound crazy to some of you, or maybe most of you, but I'm going to say it jua. Huhu. Results, come out soon! Huhu. I am at this stage where I am desperately desperate to know. Nda kira tah apa. Haha.
Okayy, I really didn't expect my post to be this long. Haha. I'm going to end it here for the time being. Take care people. :)
So, what was I up to? Hmm.
Driving lesson updates: 6 hours udah. And I'm guessing nada pole lagi yg akan tumbang. Most probably. I'm getting better with the parkings. Huhu. And today, I drove for the first time. And God! I was scared. Haha. I will have another lesson on Friday. Huhu.
Chinese New Year at Elza's cousin's place updates: It was on Monday actually. I didn't have the chance to post so, that's why. Anyway, it was fun. I finally meet him after 4 weeks and 5 days not seeing each other. Huhu. It was raining at that time. Tapi ujannya nda KUAT, according to someone. Nda labat lah tu maksudnya. Haha. I don't want to mention any names. Tau2 lah sja ah~ Haha. We went to Elza's grandparents' place after that. After watching Mirrors that is. Haha. It was so lame. Ada org takut tapi masih jua mau meliat. Haha. Among who was there were Yuhana, Waie (Yuh's brother), Ilham, Silah, Bobeh, Nadzri, Wali, Fadhil, another Nazri and Aswandi. And if it wasn't obvious, of course there was me and my Addie as well. Huhu. I reached home at 7pm plus. And... I had another pillow. It's white and pink. Love it! Thanks dear. :)
What else?
Oh yeah, the result. I was freaking out yesterday because my aunt said that it was going to be out yesterday. She called my mom. Tapi nada jua. I've been punked kh apa. Haha. I was hoping it was going to be today but it doesn't seem to be so. I think. Anyway, I'm planning to go to school with Addie tomorrow if the result is out today. Supposed to be. Haha. But out or nda, maybe I'll just go x. I don't have any other day bah jua. Tomorrow is the only day where I'm not going to have any driving lesson. And since next week is already February, I'm guessing tomorrow will be perfect. I know this might sound crazy to some of you, or maybe most of you, but I'm going to say it jua. Huhu. Results, come out soon! Huhu. I am at this stage where I am desperately desperate to know. Nda kira tah apa. Haha.
Okayy, I really didn't expect my post to be this long. Haha. I'm going to end it here for the time being. Take care people. :)
Friday, January 23, 2009
Untitled No. 1
And so, here is another post. Just a little bit of updates here and there. Huhu.
First of all, I passed the law test. Yeay me! :)
Secondly, I have had 3 driving lessons so far. Another one coming up tomorrow morning. Huhu. And btw, 1 pole saja baru saya tumbangkn. Maybe ada x lagi. Soon maybe. Haha.
Anyway, I had a chat with Yuh last night. And I terribly miss her. Babe. Haha. Lame eh. :p I'm hoping to see her soon. Hopefully she can join me and Addie this Monday. We're going to Elza's cousin's place. Chinese New Year celebration. Hehe.
Blankness strikes. Huhu. I'm stopping here I guess. :)
First of all, I passed the law test. Yeay me! :)
Secondly, I have had 3 driving lessons so far. Another one coming up tomorrow morning. Huhu. And btw, 1 pole saja baru saya tumbangkn. Maybe ada x lagi. Soon maybe. Haha.
Anyway, I had a chat with Yuh last night. And I terribly miss her. Babe. Haha. Lame eh. :p I'm hoping to see her soon. Hopefully she can join me and Addie this Monday. We're going to Elza's cousin's place. Chinese New Year celebration. Hehe.
Blankness strikes. Huhu. I'm stopping here I guess. :)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
My day today
Hello hello~
I had my law test in the afternoon today. And it went quite ok, I think. Huhu. I hope I pass. :)
I have to tell, I'm quite annoyed with the weather these days. Oh rain, go away please. I've just had ONE driving lesson so far. If it is not because of the rainy days, maybe I'm half way x udah. Huhu. So, rain rain go away, come again another day. :)
Anyway, you know what they say, save the best for the last. Huhu.
It was supposed to be our 20th anyway. But hey, thanks to that day in July, we're having a stronger relationship now. Really. Huhu. I learned a lot from my past mistakes. And we are getting better at working this out together, dealing with arguments and all. You know, those kind of stuffs. Hehe. I'm just so glad that we are still together now. Love you my romeo. :)
Goodnight people~
I had my law test in the afternoon today. And it went quite ok, I think. Huhu. I hope I pass. :)
I have to tell, I'm quite annoyed with the weather these days. Oh rain, go away please. I've just had ONE driving lesson so far. If it is not because of the rainy days, maybe I'm half way x udah. Huhu. So, rain rain go away, come again another day. :)
Anyway, you know what they say, save the best for the last. Huhu.
Happy 19th month of togetherness to Advv!
It was supposed to be our 20th anyway. But hey, thanks to that day in July, we're having a stronger relationship now. Really. Huhu. I learned a lot from my past mistakes. And we are getting better at working this out together, dealing with arguments and all. You know, those kind of stuffs. Hehe. I'm just so glad that we are still together now. Love you my romeo. :)
Goodnight people~
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Advv's A-to-Z-lame-name game
There are some letters where we simply used the letter itself since, well, we were out of idea. ;)
The following is the list. Initial names are the ones that I called him, and the later are the ones that he used to call me. Huhu.
Addie & Angel
Bibeh & Bunny
Chuppy & Chubby
Dear & Darling
Elephant & E
Fadlie & Flower
Gendut & Gebu
Hero & Heroine
Incredible & I
Jantung & Juliet
Kumbang & Kambing
Lampoh & Lawa
M & Manis
Nemo & N
Other half & Only one
Prince & Princess
Q & Queen
Romeo & Ratu
Sweetheart & Syg
T & Tabam
Ultraman & U
V & Vivi
Wira & Watir
X & Xena
Yin & Yang
Zorro & Z
I had forgotten some of them actually. So I recalled everything back with him. It was fun. Huhu. Thanks dear. :)
The following is the list. Initial names are the ones that I called him, and the later are the ones that he used to call me. Huhu.
Addie & Angel
Bibeh & Bunny
Chuppy & Chubby
Dear & Darling
Elephant & E
Fadlie & Flower
Gendut & Gebu
Hero & Heroine
Incredible & I
Jantung & Juliet
Kumbang & Kambing
Lampoh & Lawa
M & Manis
Nemo & N
Other half & Only one
Prince & Princess
Q & Queen
Romeo & Ratu
Sweetheart & Syg
T & Tabam
Ultraman & U
V & Vivi
Wira & Watir
X & Xena
Yin & Yang
Zorro & Z
I had forgotten some of them actually. So I recalled everything back with him. It was fun. Huhu. Thanks dear. :)
Okayy, first thing of all, I didn't have any driving lessons today. Haha. Ckgnya ada emergency tdi. So, yeah, it was cancelled. I will start tomorrow instead. Lol. Lame eh. I was ready udah tadi tu. Sia2 sja saya bangun awal. Huhu.
And another thing is that I received the letter from pusat belia today. And I was like, apakn~ Haha. I used Yuh's formed the other day, since she's not joining. Psl time atu, aku nda receive any letter. Dgr rumours sja. Huhu. Lame again. Haha.
Anyway, that's it for today people. There's something else that I wanted to post lagi after this. Huhu.
And another thing is that I received the letter from pusat belia today. And I was like, apakn~ Haha. I used Yuh's formed the other day, since she's not joining. Psl time atu, aku nda receive any letter. Dgr rumours sja. Huhu. Lame again. Haha.
Anyway, that's it for today people. There's something else that I wanted to post lagi after this. Huhu.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Another post
Okay, get this. According to some friends, plus rumours jua, our A Level results are going to be out on this 28th. Or at least it is predicted to be so. Or around that time. Ntah eh. Haha. Seriously, I don't know what to expect. The last time I have an expectation, it didn't turn out so well. So, to be safe, don't expect anything at all. Better that way kn. Huhu.
Anyway, I had my last law lesson today. And the test, as I said before, is going to be on Tuesday. Huhu. And tomorrow, I will be having my first driving lesson. Most probably, I will have 2 sessions, in the morning and in the afternoon jua. So first and second then. Haha. Whatever. :) It was my mother punya idea actually. Since I have nothing to worry about and nothing to do, so why not? At least I can get done with all this sooner. Huhu.
I've just linked more friends ni tadi. Sorry to those yg lambat aku link k. :)
I'll stop here then. Take care people.
Anyway, I had my last law lesson today. And the test, as I said before, is going to be on Tuesday. Huhu. And tomorrow, I will be having my first driving lesson. Most probably, I will have 2 sessions, in the morning and in the afternoon jua. So first and second then. Haha. Whatever. :) It was my mother punya idea actually. Since I have nothing to worry about and nothing to do, so why not? At least I can get done with all this sooner. Huhu.
I've just linked more friends ni tadi. Sorry to those yg lambat aku link k. :)
I'll stop here then. Take care people.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Another day of nothingness. Huhu.
I don't feel like looking for a job and I don't know why. Seriously. Haha. I'm not that bored bah jua. So, maybe that's why I'm not so desperate. Don't know. Huhu.
Anyway, the undang2 class last night was... a typical one. Haha. Apakan~ :) There will be another class this Friday at 2.30 pm. Huhu. And the test is going to be on this coming Tuesday. Wish me luck. :)
And btw, I had a short conversation with Nabil just now. She is a friend of mine. Kawan skulah ugama dulu. Huhu. I miss her. Batah udah nda jumpa. :) Maybe we'll have a day out together nanti when I have my driving license. Huhu.
So far, this is what I have to say about me. Hehe.
About him? I miss him so so much. We haven't seen each other for like almost 3 weeks I think. Huhu. :)
My post ends here. For now. :)
I don't feel like looking for a job and I don't know why. Seriously. Haha. I'm not that bored bah jua. So, maybe that's why I'm not so desperate. Don't know. Huhu.
Anyway, the undang2 class last night was... a typical one. Haha. Apakan~ :) There will be another class this Friday at 2.30 pm. Huhu. And the test is going to be on this coming Tuesday. Wish me luck. :)
And btw, I had a short conversation with Nabil just now. She is a friend of mine. Kawan skulah ugama dulu. Huhu. I miss her. Batah udah nda jumpa. :) Maybe we'll have a day out together nanti when I have my driving license. Huhu.
So far, this is what I have to say about me. Hehe.
About him? I miss him so so much. We haven't seen each other for like almost 3 weeks I think. Huhu. :)
"Nothing feels right when I'm not with you"
My post ends here. For now. :)
Monday, January 12, 2009
Some updates
It's been a while. So, the blogging. Nothing much happen to me these days. That's why I don't feel like updating. :)
I've just finished doing my research on the universities in UK. I wanted to choose the course Biomedical Eng, but I'm also considering Biomedical Science. So, let's see my results sja nanti. Hehe.
Anyway, I got the news about the attachment the other day. Elza told me. And so, I checked my email. It's going to be 5 days only. 2nd till 7th February. Lol. Haha. Anyway, I hope I enjoy those 5 days. Huhu.
Now that I mentioned February, well, it is going to be a busy month? I don't know. I've joined the Program Belia Cinta Tanahair. It's going to be on the 8th till 28th February. So, February is full. Huhu.
Tomorrow, I'm going to have my undang2 lesson. Huhu. Finally I'm serious with the getting-my-driving-license thing. Haha.
So, basically, that's all. :)
I've just finished doing my research on the universities in UK. I wanted to choose the course Biomedical Eng, but I'm also considering Biomedical Science. So, let's see my results sja nanti. Hehe.
Anyway, I got the news about the attachment the other day. Elza told me. And so, I checked my email. It's going to be 5 days only. 2nd till 7th February. Lol. Haha. Anyway, I hope I enjoy those 5 days. Huhu.
Now that I mentioned February, well, it is going to be a busy month? I don't know. I've joined the Program Belia Cinta Tanahair. It's going to be on the 8th till 28th February. So, February is full. Huhu.
Tomorrow, I'm going to have my undang2 lesson. Huhu. Finally I'm serious with the getting-my-driving-license thing. Haha.
So, basically, that's all. :)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
It has been a while since my last post. Mcm hilang semangatku kn update since the day aku terdelete my old blog. Huhu. Anyway, I'm here again. And... I will try to keep on track of things from now on. :)
What was I up to these days??
Well, I spent most of my time melapis buku Bobi, Dodi and Mamet. There were a lot! And... I did it alone. Huhu. It was a good way to get rid of my boredom jua. Hehe. Anyway, I'm so glad that it's over. And the sweetest thing of all, they say "thank you ayg~" Huhu. :)
Other than that, I have nothing else to do but watching tv, eating, more watching tv, more eating, and bla di bla. Huhu.
What was I up to these days??
Well, I spent most of my time melapis buku Bobi, Dodi and Mamet. There were a lot! And... I did it alone. Huhu. It was a good way to get rid of my boredom jua. Hehe. Anyway, I'm so glad that it's over. And the sweetest thing of all, they say "thank you ayg~" Huhu. :)
Other than that, I have nothing else to do but watching tv, eating, more watching tv, more eating, and bla di bla. Huhu.
I miss him so much!!
Not a day goes by without me missing him. :)
Goodnight people.
Goodnight people.
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