Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Thank God I found you
Before I'd separate myself from you
After so much suffering
I finally found unvarnished truth
I was all by myself for the longest time
So cold inside
And the hurt from the heartache would not subside
I felt like dying
Until you saved my life
Thank God I found you
I was lost without you
My every wish and every dream
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight
Completed my whole life
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
'Cause baby I'm so thankful I found you
I will give you everything
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
To ensure your happiness
I'll cherish every part of you
'Cause without you beside me I can't survive
Don't wanna try
If you keeping me warm each and every night
I'll be alright
'Cause I need you in my life
Thank God I found you
I was lost without you
My every wish and every dream
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight
Completed my whole life
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
And I'm so thankful I found you
See I was so desolate before you came to me
Looking back
I guess it shows that we were destined
To shine over the rain to appreciate
The gift of what we have
And I'd go through it all over again
To be able to feel
This way
Thank God I found you
I was lost without you
My every wish and every dream
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight
Completed my whole life
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
See baby I'm so thankful I found you
Thank God I found you
I was lost without you
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
My baby I'm so thankful I found you
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
My baby I'm so thankful I found you
A date to be remembered, and dates to be celebrated
It has been a while since the two of us spend some quality time. I mean, with only the two of us. A real and proper date. Hehe. So, thanks dear. Love you. :)
Anyway, I would like to wish Yuhani (Yuh's sister) a very happy birthday! Yesterday actually. So happy belated birthday Yuhani. Hehe. And today, it is Zar's birthday! Happy birthday Zar! Hehe. May God bless the two of you with success and happiness. :)
That's all I think. Hehe. :)
Monday, December 28, 2009
Just like any other day
We first went to bali tayar krita. Considering it's bonus sudah, so you know how it is kan. Huhu. Then we went to buy my little siblings' schoolbooks. After that, we had lunch at Gadong's Food Zone. And dad joined us. Hehe.
After lunch, we went to Jaya Hypermart and Mall because my mom wanted to buy a new bag and a pair of new slippers. Found the slippers but not the bag. Batah lah kami di sana. Sampai aku sangal and ngalih sudah. Huhu.
Then, we went to BSB. First, to pick up kain. Then shopped, shopped and shopped at Milimewah. I just bought one shirt btw. I wasn't in the mood for shopping today, so that explains why. Huhu. After BSB, we went to Giant. Bought a shirt for Mamet there and bla bla bla. After that, we had dinner at Pizza Hut di Sengkurong.
Dear readers, I advise you not to ever, ever come there. One, the place is small. Two, the service is slow. Three, pekerjanya kurang ajar and immature. Four, pizza di Pizza Hut at Tutong lagi nyaman. Not that I'm saying yang di Sengkurong tu inda nyaman. Just that it was not as nyaman as those yang di Tutong. Or probably because I prefer Mister Pizza tu kali. Haha. Oh well, who cares. Just try to avoid going there. If you can control yourself from rolling your eyes, menjaling, making an annoyed face, showing that judging face, then probably it's safe for you to go there. Haha.
Basically, today is just like any other day. I would prefer not to go tu tadi eh. I would rather watch DVDs alone than getting myself tired and exhausted for nothing. Except a shirt. Heh.
Bah ani saja. I'm just glad that I have him to share whatever it is I want to share and luahkan. Hehe.
P/s: This waiting-for-the-exam-results feeling is just killing me. I hope esuk ada. Or lusa. Hehe. Nervous eh. :S
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Meant for him
happy 30th monthsary to us, Addie Fadlie.
P/s: Love you, dulu-gendut-now-kurus boyfriend. :P
Saturday, December 19, 2009
This sleepover at Elza's was not actually planned at all. Elza just randomly suggested it and someone went so crazily happy about it. Haha. That someone is of course Yuh. :P
And..... I borrowed more DVDs from Elza and Yuh. But I left them with my sister back at home since she's bored with bored. Hehe.
3 more weeks of holiday. Grrr. Haha.
Bah ani saja dulu. Hehe. Byee~ :)
Thursday, December 17, 2009
A brand new laptop
So tomorrow, I will sleepover at Yuh's. I think. Hehe. And with Elza too. :) And we will discuss about the BBQ thing we're going to have with some friends. Hehe.
What else?
Oh, I'm kinda broke! HAHA.
Hmm. I'm currently on the cleaning-campaign mode. Since I'm pretty much jobless, and has no DVD left for me to watch. Haha.
And btw, I don't know what happened or why it happened, but I slept at 6 am tadi. I felt so crazy. I keep on adjusting my position like so many many countless number of times. Huhu. I hope I can sleep very well tonight. :)
Bah ani saja dulu kali. Hehe. Take care. :)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I'm being random
So, it's December already. Hmm. My December this year so far went like below.
I had an outing with my friends, and we watched New Moon! There were a lot of changes. I still much much prefer the book, even though I found Bella is much much annoying in the book. Haha.
Besides that, the first Sunday in December was my grandmother's 70th birthday celebration. And the coolest thing about it was that we all wore ORANGE on that day! We as in family members. Rugged lah. Haha. Pictures are (or will be) available at facebook. I don't know the status because my brother (or sister kali) is the one who does the uploading and tagging. I'm so malas with that. Haha.
The second Sunday which is today, another makan2 at my second cousin. Majlis doa selamat that is. Hehe.
Then, the next Sunday will be our 30th monthsary. :)
On the 24th, we'll be having the makan 100 hari of my late grandfather. Hehe.
What else?
I've been spending my holidays watching DVDs like nobody's business. Haha. And I always watch it at night. Which disturbs my sleeping pattern, which in turn irritates me, sometimes. Haha. Tapi masih jua dibuat. I wonder what ever was I doing at day time. Hmm. Oh well. I just feel like if malam macam nada kan diingau. Tapi if siang, nada jua kan dibuat inda salahku. Cemana kan tu? Haha.
And I've been wanting to know the exam results. Like, seriously. ITB-ians tau sudah ah. UBD bila ah? Hmm. Anyway, I hope I did well. Hehe.
Things left to be done:
-- Sleepover at Yuh's place. I keep on delaying because I don't know when she will be at home. She seems to be going out a lot lately so yeah. She did say she's kinda broke right now so maybe that's my chance. So babe, keep your doors open. Haha.
-- Bowling with friends. Heee.
-- A date with my lovely, lovely boyfriend. Just the two of us. Tapi I need to persuade him dulu. Hehehe. Me and my evil plans. :D
-- Melapis buku-buku adik-adikku yang tersayang and tercinta. Hehe.
I guess I'll stop here. This may be my only post for December. I just don't have that much of enthusiasm in blogging anymore. Huhu. Anyway, take care. :)
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Finish already?
Which means I have nothing to think about lagi, except for the exam results of course. Hopefully I did well. *fingers crossed* Hehe.
So, today and yesterday, I went out with durang Adib. And Elza joined us today. Hehe. And I finally bought New Moon. Like finally. Haha. Lambat, I know. Hehe. Konon kan baca tarus, after melapis. Tapi siap melapis, inda jua jadi membaca. Haha. I want to read it during the weekends saja kali because I'm afraid I would have to spend some 'quality' time with boredom if I were to read it awal, considering that I have nothing else to do but reading, so yeah. Hehe.
And I also bought a jacket tadi. Without planning again. It's my habit to just buy whatever that caught my attention. Inda pulang all the time. Most of the time saja. Hehe. It's red in colour btw. What's cool and super-cool and super-super-cool about it is that it has the number 68 at the back of the jacket. More precisely, the word "TEAM 68 LOVE". And ada number 68 on the hood jua. Cool right? Bagiku rugged pasal ada the number 68 and it's red mahn. HAHA. Bah sadang.
Siew Lin's coming back tomorrow. I'm hoping to have a one-day outing with her if she's available for us. Last time inda sampat hangout with her. Hehe.
Bah ani saja dulu. Goodnight. :)
P/s: I ate nasi ayam twice today. Maybe that's why my sentences are a bit of inda tantu. What's the connection anyway. Haha. ;)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Exams, exams, EXAMS!
First paper will be on Sunday. This Sunday. It's for the Introduction to Entrepreneurship course. And I haven't done a very serious revision for it. Despite the fact that I know there's a lot to read and there's little time to do the revision. Heh.
Second paper is on Monday. Discrete Mathematics. One paper that I doubt I can score high. Haha.
Third paper is on Tuesday. Mathematical Methods for the Sciences. This one, I really hope I can score high. Maths kaliah ah~ I mean the real maths. The one which deals with calculations and all. Hehe.
And last paper will be on Wednesday, Communication Skills. I don't know how the question will be like. So, I can't really say what my goals are for this paper. My assessment marks seem to be okay though. Yet, I want to score better. Hehe.
All papers will be at the morning time, that is 9 am until 11 am. 11 - 9 = 2 hours. Apakan~
Andddddddddd...... I STILL HAVE ONE ASSIGNMENT LEFT!!! HAHA. Mental much.
It's for the Entre course. Sasakku. Orang lain buat revision udah. Kami masih ada assignment. Lameeeee.
After exam? For sure moviessss. New Moon especially. I'm soo going to buy the book and read it for 1 or 2 days nanti after the exam. Hahaha. And bowlingggggg with friendssssss. Heheee. And then, sleeeeepoverrrrr. HAHA. Really looking forward to these.
Bah ani saja dulu. Good luck to my dear friends yang exam next week. All the best everyone! :) Take care~
Monday, November 9, 2009
Happy Birthday BABE! :)
So, for this special WOMAN's special day, Elza planned to surprise her. More like ambush her place. Haha. And yes, we did it. Successfully lagi tu. We managed to make her cry. Hehe. They were Addie and Ilham jua btw. And we all enjoyed it. And thanks to Yuhani jua, pasal berpakat dengan kami, and hence making the surprise a success. :D It feels so good to know that you just made a friend's day. On her birthday lagi tu. Hehe. Btw, we had two cakes for her. One from us, and the other one from her family. Hehe.
Aku malas cerita panjang2. More info, just go to Yuh's page. Which I don't dare to tell. HAHA. I'm not sure if it's okay for her. But if you ask nicely, I don't think she will say no to you. Hehe. Anyway, sooner or later, you will know. Especially the Sci1 United girls. I know you are planning to tell them Yuh. Haha.
Bah ani saja dulu. Aku sleepy but I insist that I should do something productive before I go to bed later. Hehe. Okay, goodnight. Take care~
P/s: Aku happy today. :)
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Just another update
I am currently alone at the library masa ani. I have nothing to do, and hence, the blogging. Hehe.
I love this week because it's a relaxing week where I have nothing much to do. Yeayy! But of course there are work that are still left undone. Heh. For now, I have 1 presentation to be done by Thursday, 1 business plan to be completed by the 26th (thank God the submission date was extended. Haha.), 1 test to be done, and.... apa lagi ah? I guess that's it. Whoa! Haha.
Oh yeah, there is actually one thing. I need to re-organise my notes so that I can do proper revision for my exams, which is on the 22nd til the 25th. Consecutively? YES.
Anyway, at least I'll be having a one-month holiday after that. Soooo looking forward to it. Hehe.
Babah is currently at Bangladesh right now. He is going to be there for 2 weeks. Atas urusan kerja of course. Hehe.
What else is there for me to say?
Ah yes, I'm going to sleepover at nini's house. Nini di Ukong that is. Because esuk ada family meeting for our family majlis keramaian in December. Hehe. So, I'm going to meet my cousins especially si Federick yang belabih itu. :) And my mom insists me to drive. My class will be finished at most 6 pm. Then ke rumah lagi. Pukul berapa bah sampai tu karang? Haha.
And I have a test on Monday! HAHA.
And and, on Monday jua, it's someone's birthdayyyy.
Bah ani sahaja dulu kali. I will update again some other time when I'm free and having nothing to do. Hehe. Take care everyone.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
A small bit of update
I'm currently at FOS right now, waiting for my dad to pick me up. Hehe.
What have I been up to?
Well, I don't know where to begin. Last week and this week have been the 2 most hectic weeks I've ever had as a UBD student. Macam towards the end, makin banyak kraja. I seriously cannot wait for this semester to end. Heh. Mostly because I want to get rid of MIB. Haha.
Today, I'm feeling quite relieve because my work tinggal sikit saja. Hehe. 1 business plan, 2 tests, 2 replacement classes, 1 presentation and 1 report. And yes, I call this sikit. Imagine tah saja how I define banyak. Haha. Thank God the amount of work is decreasing sudah day by day. If inda, entah apalah nak jadi dengan aku ni. Hehe.
I'm posting for the sake of updating my blog. I guess this is okay enough as an update. Hehe. I will update again some other time. Take care. :)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The terribly terrible news and the not-so-good good news
Next, I would like to whine. Haha.
Reasonable reasons why I should and MUST whine:
1. I have an assignment that needs to be done by Monday. An interview and a report that is. A 2000-to-3000-words assignment to be specific. Sakit kan? Mental kan? Gila kan? HAHA. I will have the interview tomorrow. After Maghrib. Hehe.
2. I have a business plan to be done by 14th November. It's a group project though. Tapi kerajanya banyak, banyak, banyak! 3 orang saja in a group. Fuh.
3. I have an event to be organized. The event will most probably take place on the 4th of November. It's a group work jua. A bigger group, thank God. And apparently, I am the secretary. Heh. So not proud of it. Haha.
4. I have 2 replacement classes this week. One is tomorrow. 2 hours pulang saja. Hehe. Then another one will be on FRIDAY morning. Ani pun gila lah jua. HAHA.
5. I have a maths test this Saturday, at 6 pm in the afternoon. Weekend's afternoon. Saturday's afternoon. Crazy.
6. I will be sleeping over at Bebuloh this week. Perhaps on Thursday's night and I will only be back on Sunday. Most probably night time. This is due to my late grandfather's makan 40 hari on Saturday. Hehe.
7. I have a test again next week. This time it's for my very-extremely-most-favourite subject, MIB. Tah karang~ HAHA.
8. Again about MIB, we have a 10-to-15-pages report which needs to be done in two weeks time, starting today. Gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
To sum up, I do not know, seriously I do not know, how I will survive this week. Banar tah. I just want this week to end as soon as it possibly can. Haha.
On the bright side:
1. There will be no afternoon communication skills class for two consecutive weeks. Yeay! Probably. Heh.
2. I will be having a 3-days holiday next week. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Hehe. Pasalnya ada UBD Convocation thingy on Saturday tu. Hence, nada class and so, cuti. Haha.
8 versus 2. Kalah jua masih. Lame eh. Haha. Yet again, somehow I'm looking forward to next week. Hehe.
Bah aku stop di sini. Hehe. Goodnight. :)
Monday, October 12, 2009
I'm posting AGAIN. :)
Anyway, so let's talk about last Saturday. AGAIN, I sleptover at Yuh's place and stayed awake like nobody's business. HAHA. This time, we did did some schoolwork. Bukan macam the other day. Haha. Oh btw, I've watched Hannah Montana The Movie and I think it was awesome. Thumbs up! ;)
The next day, Yuh and family held a mini openhouse that I personally enjoyed. It gave me a sort of feeling of raya-ing. You know, having to do all the work and things. I always wanted to know how it would feel. And thanks to Yuh and her family, I now know. Hehe. Oh dear, I want to be a Muslimah one day. :)
So, expectedly (but somehow unexpectedly), I went home late. Not that late. Is 9 pm late to you? Hehe. I expect to arrive home by late afternoon, so that explains the expected-unexpected thing. Lol.
And today was kinda okay. Iakah? I don't know. Haha.
I was late for class AGAIN. Partly because of me, myself and I. Okay, maybe it was entirely my fault. Huhu. My lecturer was late, as usual. So I wasn't really in a rush. Huhu. The class ended 20-minutes early. So, I had the time to go the library sekajap. Next class was entrepreneurship, which was supposed to start at 2 pm but then our lecturer had something going on and so, we were supposed to start at 3. Guess what happened at 3 pm? A friend of mine sent a message to another friend of mine telling us that the class was cancelled, like AGAIN! Annoying right? Kambing. I am soooooooo not going to take the continuation of this course next semester. It's not that it's a must. Heh.
So, I stayed in the library until 5.15 pm. I did something productive this time. Yeay me! Hehe. After that, tarus ku balik. Fuh.
Bah ani sahaja dahulu. Goodnight everyone. :)
Monday, October 5, 2009
My Saturday and Sunday
I'm basically going to update on Saturday's and Sunday's outing. Raya-ing that is. Hehe.
So, for Saturday, we only went to Qen's place. Highlight of the day. Haha. We arrived there akhir. Quite late lah. Sampai durang call pasal durang pikir kami sasat. Hehe. Well, at least kami inda berapa akhir and kami inda sasat macam si awang Ilham ah. Hahaha.
Anyway, I finally met Syikin! Haha. And Apis was there. So bertamu lah ia sama lalenk ku. Especially time ada Ilham. Kesian ia kana buli. Tah karang~ HAHA. We were batah di sana. Pasal kami takut berangin. Plus, Elza kana forward a message saying strong wind will hit Brunei because super typhoon Parma was predicted to hit the Philippines around midnight that night. So, it's better to stay indoors. Hehe. Jadinya, stay indoors lah kami banar2. Haha. Sampai kami pasti it was not windy, baru tah kami balik, which was at that time almost 1 am kali. Lupa sudah. Hehe. I only arrived home at almost 2 am because we sent Elza home that night. Ia malas drive katanya yatah ia ikut si advv. Hehe.
Then on Sunday, the so-called convoy was FUN! Pasal Yuh ada. Tapi Ilham nada. Haha. Anyway, there were only Yuh, Elza, Addie and myself. Janji pukul 2 pm kumpul rah rumah Yuh. But there was strong wind around 1++ pm. So, tergendala lah sekajap. Hence keakhiran. Hehe. Anyway, by 3 pm kami ready lah udah kan jalan. If I'm not mistaken lah. But then, durang Qayyum kan datang beraya ke rumah Yuh. So, kami tunggu durang lah. Hehe. Tagging along were Syazwan and gf, Dewi, and Sinah and bf. Hehe. After a while, together we went to Nadzri's place at Penanjong. So last2, macam convoy lah jadinya. Hehe. Met teacher Aireen there, our beloved Biology teacher back at Sufri. Hehe.
****insert Yuhana and her obsession with cats**** (Yuh, jangan marah ah, haha)
After Nadzri's, kami singgah rah rumah Zarifah. Konon ni kan sekajap saja. Tapiiiiii.... it turned out to be batahhhh. *kirai2* HAHA.
Around 7 pm baru tah kami balik dari rumah Zarifah. And off we went to Addie's place. This time, I did meet his parents and family. :D And his super cute and super adorable 3 year-old sister named Liana. I'm sure Yuh and Elza will agree if aku cakap she's belabih in a cute way. Pintar gituloh. Hehe. I had a very good laugh because of her. HYPER ku ulihnya. Haha. I want to meet her again! ;) I seriously want to stay there. Walau tah mama Addie keep on asking me questions. Haha. Unfortunately, we had to go. We as in Elza, Yuh and me that is. Usu si Yuh open house di Bukit Beruang so, we somehow and somewhat reluctantly went there. Hehe.
****makan2, cakap2, liat The Transporter sekajap, Yuh obsession with Persian cats again****
And then kami balik. :)
Also that night, which was last night, I sleptover at Yuh's place. Konon kan BELAJAR. Belajar apa nah. Bercerita tah pulang kami sampai pukul 4 subuh. Crazy? VERY YES. Haha.
And lack of sleep cause me to be sleepy (duhhh~) during Discrete Maths class (duh again, haha). Again, entrepreneurship class was cut short. Annoyed ku sudah. Nada siuk ni if malar nada class. Fun no more. Heh. Seriously, replacement classes are soooo going to be needed. Jangan saja datang on Friday or Sunday ah. Telur tu. Replace maths class lagi. Kambing eh. Huhu.
Bah sudah tah kali eh~ Enough babbling for now. Goodnight everyone~
Friday, October 2, 2009
My first post for the month of October
Anyway, it's 2nd October and I want to say
Wish you all the best for you PSR exams, which is going to start this Monday. Good luck! :)
Andddddd... I went out with him again last night. Huhu.
I was home alone and I was bored and aku malas masak. Heh. And hence, I asked him out. We wanted (it was me actually, haha) to go to Pizza Hut. But it was 10.15 something pm when we arrived there, so kami tidak dialu-alukan masuk. Hahaha. And so, we went to this mini restaurant yang dakat masjid tu. Yang dapan stesen minyak ah. Hehe. Kesian dia kana gigit nyamuk. And and, minyak kritanya was almost empty but he didn't tell me because he was afraid I was going to feel down and things if he were to cancel the so-called date. Lamee. Patut kah itu? Haha.
And also last night, I gave him the 2 books that I've bought for him earlier in the afternoon, when I went to Gadong with Elza. Hehe. The books are motivational books, based on Islam. He is feeling down and uninspired lately that I decided to buy him those books, just to give him some motivations. Hehe. And he appreciates them. I know he doesn't like to read books. Ia suka baca comic saja. Haha. And he doesn't like thick books jua but I hope he would like that thick one that I've given him. Hehe. He said he will read them nanti. And I know he will do that someday. :)
Some things to look forward to:
-- Qen's open house tomorrow! From 6 pm to 12 am. Haha. I am soooooooo going pasal aku rindu si dayang Qen berabis! Batah sudah inda jumpa ia. Hehe. So, I'm going with my partner si gendut. He will drive this time. Hehe. Yuh were supposed to tag along but she's going with her cousin and cousin's bf to the Charity Gala Night. Her cousin's bf already bought the tickets for her, without her knowing. Huhu. So, things might not be as enjoyable as it would be when she's around. Heh. Tagging along as well will be Elza, and perhaps Ilham. The rest aku inda tau siapa lagi. Hehe.
--Nadzri's open house on Sunday. We will have a small convoy this time. I think. Yuh will join us. Must! Haha. And also, Elza and Ilham. And of course, si Fadlie. :) We will go to Mayyer's place jua. Hopefully ia ada di rumah. Then, si gendut's place. Then Yuh's place, where I've gone there twice already. Haha. :p
So, that's all for now. I'll post another post lagi nanti. Take care people. :)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
You made my day!
I'm sooooo hyper and feeling happy right now. Pasal aku jumpa si gendutku tadi. We didn't plan it actually. Hehe. Kami kelaie sejenak tadi. Like, 30 minutes lah cematu. After that, berdamai tah kami. Lol. Lameeee. And then suddenly, ia minta dangani ke Tutong. Tarus dinner. That contributes to me being hyper and happy. Haha. First thing tadi, photocopy his certificates di Bismi. Ia kan apply keraja at BMC. Brunei Meat Company that is. Haha. Nada wah~ Brunei Methanol Company. Hehe. Then he also wants to try kraja arah bank. I don't know which bank. Lupa saya tanya tadi. Heeee. Good luck and all the best LOVE! :)
After that, we went to OGY Complex. First, for me to withdraw some cash. In which elaunku bertambah udah. Yeayy! Tapi alum full. Anyway, still, yeayy! Haha. And second, to take his passport-sized pictures. He developed 5 of it and gave one to me. Since ia ada simpan mine jua. Tapi aku alum bagi ia yang latest one. Hmm. Next time dearie. :)
Awuu, kami simpan gambar passport of each other. Weird huh? Inda pun~ Haha. After that, we went to Petani Mall. First, aku bali tudung. Hehe. Then, bali beg untuk my sis, si Didi. *kirai2* Haha. Then, kami bali tissue. Yang small pack atu. Aku tau ani sekadar, tapi aku mau include jua. Aha. Then, we went to Jollibeeeeee. As usual, ia tunggu aku siap mamam. I eat slower than normal people do. Banaarrr. Don't know why. Hehe. And then, kami balik. But singgah kedai kaling dulu. Bali easi top-up, which I forgot tadi tu. Thanks to him pasal ingatkan. It's amazing how forgetful I can be sometimes. Tah karang~ Hahaha.
Oh btw, happy birthday to my dear friend, Siti Nurhaziqah. Better known as Gkah, and Gixe. Happy 19th birthday babe! Welcome to the world of 9teens. ;)
With that, I end my post here. Goodnight~
Sunday, September 20, 2009
And happy 27th monthsary to Addie and Vivi. ;)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Week 7 and 8
Anyway, this week is my 7th week of study. Next week, we'll be having a one-week semester break. And raya is coming. Huhu. I don't feel the excitement anyway. :)
What else is there to talk about?
I have been spending a lot of time at Bebuloh lately because of one thing. You know how it is like kalau ada makan2 arwah right. So yeah, that's why. My grandfather passed away last week. Sunday morning to be specific. I can really feel what it is like to lose a good grandfather like him. :( Anyway, I've been busy, tired, sleepy and restless this week. So, somehow, holidays are good. Walaupun seminggu saja.
Tomorrow, I'll have to go to UBD. Pasal kami ada test esuk. Maths test btw. So, esuk inda dapat bangun akhir. Lol.
Oh btw, elaun kami keluar sudah. Yeay. Haha. Although I don't have any idea where to spend it on. It's not like I'm celebrating raya kan. Hehe.
Bah ani saja dulu. Sesungguhnya saya blank. Goodnight everyone. And happy advanced raya to all Muslims. :)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Four things I hate about this week
I am currently at the UBD's library. I was doing my communication skills' assignment tadi. Ani siap udah. Hehe. And since the laptop's battery is not low, yet, I'm taking the opportunity to blog. Haha.
Anyway, this week has been the busiest week ever! And I know so, because..... One, I had a test last Tuesday. Two, on the same day, we (MIB's students) were asked to do an essay titled "Melayu Islam Beraja Berjaya Membanteras Amalan Rasuah di Negara Brunei Darussalam. Bahaskan." And, I say whatever. Haha. The topic is more or less the same with this week's presentation topic. And what annoys me is, we must submit our work this Saturday! And I'm still in the progress of doing the slides and I haven't prepared my speech. Three, presentation, this Saturday! And four, on Saturday as well, I have another maths test!
I wonder, what's up with Saturday this week. Hmmm...
I seriously want to get over with MIB as soon as possible. *sigh*
Bah ani saja dulu. Bye.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Just when I thought it's over
Aaaaaaaanywayy, today is saturday. Typically, for me, I tend to be lazy. Huhu. Thank God Monday cuti. But unfortunately, again for me, I have a test on Tuesday. Lol.
I still don't know how well or how unwell I did for my first discrete maths test. And also the listening test for communication skills. And yes, it annoys me to wait that long. Huhu.
And on top of the what-annoys-me-today list is, of course, non other than MIB. Haha. I'm going to present this coming Saturday. And the topic is "MIB Membenteras Rasuah". God knows how terribly terrible I am going to be next week. I am so not looking forward to all the workloads of seeking information on that particular topic.
And now, I am so blank!
Friday, September 4, 2009
MIB is suicidal. HAHA.
We have presentation like, EVERY WEEK! I am currently so annoyed because I cannot find the definition of budi bicara. Been googling and I got zero. My friends said the word was apparently NOT in the dictionary.
Whatever. I quit. There's nothing much I can do. I did so much sudah. So, define sendiri saja esuk. Huhu.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Happy Birthday LOVE! :)
Okay, I'm stucked. Lol.
Today's plan: Sungkai bersama some friends. Hehe. And I might plan for something jua. Maybeee. :D
Anyway, what else should I include? :)
Some updates on university life then. Hehe. Well, so far so good. I mean, things are getting hectic day by day. Haha. But maybe, just maybe, I'll get used to it nanti. :)
I am taking major in maths btw. And minor in business. Introduction to Entrepreneurship that is. Hehe. And MIB and communication skills of course. :)
That's about it. :)
And yes, some of you knew that I went to KK last 2 weeks. Or was it 3 weeks ago? Haha. Anyway, pictures will be uploaded in facebook. I just don't know when yet. Haha. Haven't been able to go to office since this month of fasting. Maybe this coming Wednesday x. Hehe. And I won't be posting any post on that topic pasal aku MALAS! HAHA. Let the pictures do the talking saja ah. Heeeee.
Okayy, I think that's all I can say. After all the time I went missing, that's all about it. Haha.
*insert 20th August: advv's 26th monthsary. :)
Until my next post, take care. And happy fasting people.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Blog blog blog
First of all......
This year, we celebrated it with a small gathering at Express. Hehe. There were Yuhana, Elza, Nek, Mayyer, Qenn, Zarifah, Nasyitah, Oshin and Silah. Sikit tapi still meriah. Hehe.
As usual, kami bising. Hahaha. Batah bah inda jumpa. Masing2 ada hal sendiri sudah nowadays. I miss all the good times we had back then. :)
Anyway, after that we went to Hua Ho skajap and then to Promart. Hehe. And then, we went to the beaaaaaaaacchhhhh. :) Too bad Yuh didn't join us. She had a tuition class, which she FORGOT. Haha. So she have to go tadi. Nevermind that, there will always be next time. :)
And and, aku sampat jumpa si gendut ku tadi. For a short while yet it keeps me happy. Hehe.
What else ah? Hmm. I'm out of idea now so yeah, take care. Seriously. With HINI around, better stay at home saja. Home is the safest place after all. Hehe.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
After 6 weeks
Anyway, today was the day in June that I met him. Huhu. It was a date this time. Only the two of us walking side by side. Hehe. What did we do? First we ate sushi. Then window shopping for bags and shoes, and his MJ's hat. From 3rd floor kami jalan sampai rh utama grand. Haha. After that we went to Mister Pizza. I have to say, I prefer Mister Pizza than Pizza Hut. Hehe. Then after that kami balik. As simple as it may seem to be, I had a great time with him. Hehe. And now, I'll be counting down the days again. Which makes me miss him actually. Hehe.
Oh well, that's all about it. :)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
It was a blast!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
First of all,
God bless both of you. And to Nek, see you soon. Aha. ;)
Anyway, let's talk about yesterday. I had 2 appointments kelmarin. And I signed 1 order, with my first customer. Which was a quite good achievement. Maybe I was lucky x saja to have customers like them. Hehe. Hopefully durang inda cancel lah saja. If they do, then commission ku inda kana release. But if durang cancel pun, I'm ready to face it. Hahaha. Lol.
And then today, I have 1 appointment so far. Maybe Umi will arranged another one for me. Hehe. So people, that's how my job works. Our company will make school projects, as in we prepare questions on English and Maths subject then we let the students answer. Those yang dapat score high or average, we call the parents to come over to our company tu, then we give a present to their child. On the same day jua, we introduce them the learning program that our company offer. Hehe. Besides that, parents yang purchase the package will send their child or children to us for free tuition. Individual coaching that is. Hehe. And hence, I love my job. :D
Tomorrow, I'm going to Yuh's place. She wants to know about the learning program. So I'll be doing a presentation for her. Good for me banarnya. Haha. The more I practice, the better my presentation will be. Heeee.
Ani x saja dulu. It's 10 already. I have another 1.5 hours before going to bandar. Hehe. Anyway, take care.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
2nd, 23rd yet 24th
It was supposed to be the 24th. 2nd anniversary that is. Hehe. Our close friends assume we'll make it as our 2nd anniversary. Elza and Yuh that is. Hahaha. Anyway, yes, today is 20th May yet we are celebrating 23rd months of togetherness. Hehe. :)
Another thing I want to mention is, today is also my 2nd day of working. Yesterday we did our own presentation in front our boss. Then malamnya kami dengani children buat schoolwork durang. Hehe. Bermacam-macam ragam anak-anak d sana. Hahaha. It was fun anyway. Hehe.
Then yesterday, I received an offer letter from QUT, Australia. My commencement date is on 20th July. Way too early rasaku. So I've sent another email if they could switch to February next year. Which is way too late jua rasaku. Hahaha. Anyway, February should be fine I think. With all the swine flu almost all over the world ni, February is quite fine. I hope. :)
That's all I guess. Hehe.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The so many reasons why I haven't been updating this blog of mine
Anyway, I went to Pantai Serasa in the morning with my sister Didi, and dad. MIPR, which stands for Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources btw, held a cleaning campaign there, which had a very fun intro, boring content and fantastic conclusion. Mcm compo tah plg. Lol. Hahaha. The cleaning campaign began with exercises. Taichi that is. And it was a major pain. Haha. The most fun part of all was the poco-poco dance. I was blank at first. Aku nda pernah menari poco-poco bah. Hahaha. But then dapatlah buat sikit2. And it feels GREAT! I want to dance the poco-poco dance lagi nanti eh. Hehehe. After that, the cleaning begins. Which is the boring part. Haha. Kami datang for the sake of the lucky draw saja. Lol. :D Anyway, after the cleaning campaign was the refreshment. And finally the lucky draw. One of our three numbers was announced, so yeah, we got something. A free brunch for 2 at Li Gong, Empire. Huhu. Maybe my sister and I will be the one who are going x. Hehe.
Besides the cleaning campaign, I'm giving some updates on my training jua. It has been 3 days. Tomorrow is the 4th day. And I've been learning so much, and still learning. Hehe. It's fun working there. You meet parents, children, and even give tuition to children. Bonus point, the working environment there is not like the typical office thingy. You would really feel like home. Friendly staffs, friendly boss, stress-less. Hehe. Most probably, my first working day would be on Thursday. I seriously can't wait. Hehe. And gosh, I have a major presentation esuk. Heh.
Not to mention, Mamet is having her exams at the moment. And hence, I'm preparing questions for her revision jua. Hehe. Oh well, being busy is good I think. It's a positive thing for me. :)
Oh btw, Siew Lin is going to be in Brunei from 5th to 13th June. Can't wait to see her. Hehe.
Well, that's enough to fill you in with what's going on around me. Hehe. Take care~ :)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, 12th May
I wanted to update my blog yesterday actually but the connection inda mengizinkan. Hehe.
Belated actually. Hehe. Wish all your dreams come true. And good luck with the scholarship. Hehe. Like you always said, if you think you can, you can. ;)
Also happening yesterday was my job interview. Which was more like a conversation honestly. I feel so comfortable there. Maybe it's because all the workers are female tu x. Oh well. Hehe. The boss was male though. Indian man, who is friendly as well. I'll start my training tomorrow. From 1 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon. The training takes at most 2 weeks, and at least 10 days. If I do well during my training session, then they will hire me. :) Oh btw, the job's name is sales consultant. I haven't really got the idea of what the job is all about actually. I'll find out more tomorrow then. Hehe. The company sells books for children. Educational books, story books and more. So basically, parents and children are involved. And maybe teachers as well. Hehe. I'm excited with the training and I'm actually looking forward to it. :)
Until then, take care people. And oh, it's exam season now. Good luck to any of you who are sitting for exams. All the best! :)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Great great time
It wasn't really a proper date though. Not when we're with my 2 sisters, Didi and Mamet. Nevertheless, I had a great time. Melayan Mamet especially. And him. Haha.
We went out for 3 hours or so I think. We brought Mamet to play at the arcade. The one for children tu. Tapi kami pun ikut main. Lol. Haha.
After arcade, we went to eat something. Just to fill up the energy. Hehe. Then jalan2 ke mana Mamet bawa. Hehe.
The so-called date was as simple as that. :)
The ending, he gave me the diary that he bought for us the other day. Honestly, I totally forgot about this. Hee. And also a keychain. And a small yet special card for me. Which I really love. Thanks gendut~
My purpose of updating the blog was actually atu saja. Haha. So now, the new record is 5 weeks. Huhu.
I'm stopping here. Take care. :)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Useless, hopeless, helpless
Sometimes, it's useless to do your best, to give full attention, effort and hardwork towards something. Sometimes some things are just not meant to be yours. No matter how hard you try, how hard you believe, they're just not.
And in the end, you will feel hopeless and helpless. Those 3 words are always, somehow, connected with each other.
If we do realise that one day, we should just move on without them. It might be a lot easier that way.
Perhaps it's what we call giving up. Or perhaps it's not. Either way, we'll find a way to move on.
No one said that life is easy, fair, a fairytale with happy endings. Truth sometimes hurt. Yet, certain things just simply happen with a reason.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A new record
I've been busy. Doing some productive things. Hehe.
Now that I'm blogging, I don't know what to say tah pulang. Lame. :p
Hmm. What should I write here?
I went out with Yuh on Sunday. We both had a great time with the girl talks, gossiping and all. Haha. Glad that I made her day. :D
I'm going out again this Friday. It's a date with him. Hehe. Too bad the movies showing at Mall Cineplex are pretty much not my taste. We plan to watch X-Men but he unplannedly watched it already. I've been wanting to watch 17 Again. And Ghost of Girlfriend's Past. Unfortunately, the movie will be showing in June. So yeah, boring. Hehe. I do want to watch He's Just Not That Into You though. Let's just hope masih ada on Friday tu. Otherwise, we'll have something else to do at the Mall. Hehe. Can't wait. :D
And btw, 4 weeks 5 days is no longer the longest record. If I'm seeing him this Friday then the new record is 5 weeks. Haha. How did I ever survive that anyway? I didn't notice it was that long. Heh.
Anyway, that's it for now. :)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I was supposed to post this yesterday
Anyway, I've sent my application form yesterday. Like finally, it's done. Huhu. Now all I have to do is wait. For a month I guess. At most, a month. Hehe. And I've sent an email to QUT. But lame me, I forgot to tell them that it will probably take at most 2 weeks for it to arrive there. Hmm. Maybe I'll send another email later. :)
As I have mentioned before, I'm going to sleepover at my grandma's house tonight. My mom will only send me there at night. My grandmother is going somewhere tonight. So maybe my mom will accompany me for a little while. After she leave later, I'll be alone there. Spooky. It's quite a big house. And there's no house nearby. Huhu. I've been home alone. But I've never been in such situation. Hehe. Gila, apa bah kerajaku tu karang. Haha.
I won't be freezing my plurk's karma. Maybe I'll plurk. If I dare to go upstairs alone that is. Haha. Otherwise, I'll just helplessly let my karma falls. Huhu.
This is all I want to say for now. Anyhow, take care. :)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Hectic much
I woke up like 6.30+ in the morning. The plan was to send my application form to QUT. Australia that is. Together with the bank draft. And the story goes like this....
My mom and I first went to Central Mall. Hajatku plg tu. I need to buy the big envelope. So yeah. Then after that, we went to the post office. According to some aunt of mine, bank draft tu dari pejabat pos saja katanya. There's no need for us to go to the bank lagi. She sounds convincing to me. Maybe because she works in a bank. Haha. Btw, the bank draft is for my application fee. We must not send cash or personal cheques. We can either make the payment using bank draft or credit card. So yeah, I used the bank draft. Huhu.
And so, we went to the post office. Ask about the bank draft thing and it turned out that we really do need to go to the bank. And off we went to some bankS in Tutong. Yes, banks. And here's why.
I've told my mom that we need to have an account in order to make(?) a bank draft. The question mark refers to "I'm not sure if that is the correct term" Haha. Anyway, my mom insisted to ask dulu. So first, we went to Baiduri. Orang atu cakap mesti ada account. And I was making the udah-kataku face. Haha. As if that wasn't satisfactory, she insisted to go to HSBC. Again here, they need account jua. And I'm making that face again. It is annoying bah. Huhu. Then, after two fail attempts, baru tah ke Standard Chartered. And here, another different story lagi. Which is what I'm going to tell next.
We filled the form alright. And me, being a person who have never filled such form, made a few errors. I put the beneficiary name as the name of the person who called me the other day instead of QUT International. It mentioned name there, so yeah. Huhu. Then, I filled my name in the applicant's name instead of my father's name. Since I'm using his account. Maybe that was a stupid mistake but I don't know. Huhu. And third, it has to be my father's signature. Bank tah jua bah. Huhu. And the most stupid thing of all, they asked me to use the same form walaupun ada dua mistakes. They cancelled the two names and asked my father to sign where the mistakes were. And I was like apakan, bagi borang baru saja pun. But at that moment, aku masih bulih sabar. So I didn't say anything. Oh FYI, my dad was not with me in the bank. If that wasn't obvious. Haha.
So we went back home. I texted my dad to come home to sign the form. He came in the afternoon. And he signed it alright. But he made his initial saja on the two mistakes. We thought initials should be just fine. And off we went to the bank AGAIN WITHOUT MY DAD. Huhu. And the lady say, inda bulih pakai initial. I literally want to cry udah at that moment. But aku tahan. She gave us 2 new forms. I was kusut tahap maksimum udah. I really want to settle the application today. But so many things were happening. It was so chaotic.
Anyway, my mom called my dad to come to the bank. He went somewhere tadi. The lady said it's better if my dad can come, that's why he came anyway. And then cakap2, discuss2. Ada lagi hal lain. About charges lah. Nombor akaun yg accepting lah, apalah. And I went, wth. I've tried to convince the woman that the $55 is already the overall amount. But ia ni pemajal. Uh. So, I went back home lah saja. I gave up with that bank.
Otw back from the bank, my dad called my mom. (my dad use a different car to go to Sinaut) He told my mother that we should just go to BIBD. He asked a friend of his who works there. Apparently, there's no need to know the account number of whoever or whatever that will receive the money nanti.
Conclusion, I'm going to BIBD di bandar esuk. Selajur ke post office di sana. I hope everything will be settled by tomorrow. Huhu. And I did have a breakdown somewhere in between the stories. :)
Btw, maybe my story sounds incomplete or something missing. Hehe. I couldn't care more to elaborate and add more details. Aku malas. Haha.
I guess this is another long post of mine this month. Enjoy. ;)
A few more things I want to say, I'm going to sleepover at my nini's place this Wednesday. Just for one night. Then on Sunday, probably I'll have a date with that someone. Like finally, aku dapat jumpa ia. Hehe.Yet, it's still a maybe. Hee.
I need to stop now. I have to wake up early lagi esuk. Huhu. Goodnight everyone. :)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
My life so far
Anyway, about the title. Hmm. Well, it all started with the girl talk with my sister last last night. It was a school night and she slept at 1.30 something. Haha. She wanted to have a chat so yeah, why not? Hehe. We exchanged stories of love, relationship and friendship. Stuffs like that. Hehe.We also shared ideas on things that make us human. Haha. I'm going to share one anyway. :)
So we talked about how funny people can change sometimes. Change. Hmm. What a 6-letters word with such a huge impact to our life. It's, hmm, amazing (?) that you won't realise that you yourself are changing. Funny that only the people who are surrounding you that take notice of the difference. Those who have known you for so long. It's typical yet it's a wonder lah jua bagiku. Hehe.
The thing is, I feel like this friend of mine is changing. I feel like this friend is a new person now. Like as if I don't know that person anymore. It's not that I hate or dislike that person or something. I just don't like the person that this friend is becoming to. It's just soooooo different right now. I still love and remember you as a friend. I'm just hoping you would remember me too. :)
Yet again, change is unavoidable. Sometimes it's something we are unwilling to do. Something that we never really mean to do. Something we didn't realise that it's happening to us. That is what I feel about change. Unpredictable.
Another thing I wanted to say here, which was not a part of the girl talk with my sister, is mistakes. Mistakes do make us human if we really learned a lesson(s) from them. It's weird that sometimes some people just can't accept or face the fact that we make mistakes. Yes, there are some people yang cematu out there. They always expect us to be perfect, good, flawless and everything. Jangan tah jauh. Our parents tah saja. But I'm saying a few saja. Some. Hehe.
Also, some people cannot properly deal with their own or people's mistakes. Some took it negatively that it he/she has a low self-esteem problem. And I do admit that at certain times, I do feel like this. When this really do happen, mistakes lead to regret instead of change. And regret is such a negative word. Sometimes. Hehe.
I wonder about this one other thing as well. Must it be that everything should come with a proof or evidence?
They say that seeing is believing. If so, then what about all those things that are not visible to our eyes. For example love. How can people believe in love? It makes me wish that we could literally see things like happiness, sadness, pain, and any other feelings or emotion or anything. What would life be if that was the case?
I said so many things that I didn't realise it's 2.01 am now. Huhu.
Oh by the way, I received a call from QUT around noon. When I was having my lunch to be specific. Haha. Apparently they are waiting for my application form, which I am only going to send by the end of this month. Hehe. I was 80% freaking out tadi. Haha. I couldn't really catch what she was talking about but I got the main point. Hehe. And I'm very thankful that my English is ok. Understandable lah tu. Haha. Hopefully I'll get a place there. :D
I think I should stop now. Hehe. I had no idea that it was going to be this long. Really. Hehe.
Anyway, happy sleeping. :)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Today is someone's birthday
Huhu. I can't believe she's 7. Haha. Apakannn. Anyway, to her, rajin2 lah selalu k. Dangar cakap kaka Ayang. Haha. Dangar cakap mama lah dulu. Hee. Good luck! *I know it's lame to write this crappy stuff here. Not that she's reading anyway. Haha. But who cares. :D*
Other than the birthday, I have something else to share.
Mayyer forwarded me a message this afternoon regarding the need of volunteers for a bazaar at the Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah stadium this 5th May. She said it's from am to pm. I'm not sure if pm is afternoon or malam. Another thing is I'm not sure what is the bazaar for. I'll inform more if I know more. Hehe. For those who are free on that day and interested to volunteer, send your full name, DOB and phone number to Mayyer's number by SATURDAY. That's all I know. :)
Ok then. Gtg. I want to watch Boys Over Flowers at KBS dulu. Hehe. Byeeeee.
Monday, April 20, 2009
22nd month of love
First of all,
happy 22nd monthsary to us
Glad that we made it through all the bad times dear. Hehe. ;)
My mom just asked me to join her balik kampung esuk. My nini is not doing so well. Hope she'll get better soon. :) So, I'll be away tomorrow from this area full of service. I'll be back by noon. Hehe.
*I just stepped on a bug, accidentally*
I don't hate rude people. But if they are rude TO ME, then yeah. I might just not like you that much anymore. Huhu. And I believe in karma. And babe, you're so not cool lah. Wake up okay.
The last paragraph is just a simple simple thing I want to share. Ada org kurang ajar rah aku tadi. Yatah tu. Huhu.
Bah ani saja dulu. Goodnight and take care everyone. :)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Most random and lamest post of the month?
My life is full of emptiness at the moment. No happenings, no distraction.
At least I'm happy with it. Being me, having him and everything. :)
I cannot even make a paragraph here. That is soooooo random. And lame. Haha.
This is all I have to say I guess. Goodnight. :)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
When I feel like blogging
At the moment, I'm looking for interesting and fun korean drama that I might want to watch. And so far, I haven't found one. Any suggestion anyone? Hehe.
Anyway, I just feel like including this particular paragraph here. I hate those kind of people who use things that were not labelled as theirs and made them look as if they are theirs. They did that without thinking I guess. And, I hate it when I'm the victim. Those things were supposed to be mine. Huhu.
And I'm keeping this short. So yeah, bye. :)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Qeen's birthday
Anyway, we had some kind of celebration tadi. Just a simple outing anyway. :) We watched Jangan Tegur tadi. They watched it. I don't. Haha. Seriously, that is soooo not my type of movie. Haha. Ilham lagi with his overeacting-ness. Over. Haha.
No further comment about the outing lah k. Too tired. It was a typical outing. Kamu faham kn. Hee.
Yesterday was my uncle's Nikah ceremony. That's why I've been missing. I was going to update on that tapi malasku. Hehe. Now I feel like blogging is a responsibility. Aha. Tomorrow anyway, is the mulih 3 hari ceremony. So yeah, aku away lagi esuk. Huhu.
I don't know what else to blog here. I guess I'll stop then. Hehe. Take care people. :)
P/s: I will definitely go out with you nanti dear. And kamu saja. :)
Monday, April 6, 2009
Just something you can say whatever to
I went to MOE twice for the sake of my passport's date of issue and date of expiry. I didn't get it ready because I thought it wouldn't be much of any relevance if passport andang mansuh udah. Haha. Thank God my mom pun ngam ada hajat jua ke bandar lagi in the afternoon. Hehe. I thought wrong alright. Haha.
Now that it is settled, I have less to worry about. Or at least that's what I think. For now lah k. :)
SOMETHING took place SOMEWHERE tadi but NO ONE told me about it. *kiraikirai* Huhu.
And fullstop. :)
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I don't know what to put here
Anyway, this morning, the pertandingan, hmm, well, I don't know what to say. My brother didn't win. Hadiah saguhati saja. Hehe. It was difficult jua bah. New format. Before this, students used to memorise the scripts and all but starting this year, they are using a new format. That is, students were only shown pictures. Then only from there they will create a story of their own. Payah kn? A bit more challenging. They pictures were shown 15 minutes earlier though. But still. Huhu.
After SR Bukit Udal, I went to SMSO. Met Silah and Bobeh. And Ms Lim as well. Hehe. I chopped my photocopied certificates alright BUT they were NOT SIGNED. Yet. Principal and deputy principal were not there. Ckg Danial was not available and Sir Alex was teaching tadi. And soooooo, I HAVE to come on Monday lagi. Which is annoying. Uh.
Hopefully Monday tu sampat menguruskan semua before 12.00 pm Tutong time. Aha.
That's all I guess. A quick update about today's activity. Hehe. Goodnight everyone. :)
P/s: Earth is getting warmer. Can you feel the heat? Well, I can. And this is what we call GLOBAL WARMING. Uh.
Friday, April 3, 2009
The call, the drive and the suicide
Anyway, I got a call from MOE yesterday. They need me to go there. To fill some kind of form. For the scholarship thingy. Hehe.
I'll be going to Sekolah Rendah Bukit Udal tomorrow morning. My brother, Bobi, is participating in the Peraduan Mari Bercerita Peringkat Daerah Tutong. Huhu. So, I can't go to SMSO in the morning to get the principal's chop. Maybe after the event, if sampat. If not, then I'll go there in the afternoon. Hehe. Then on Monday, I'm going to MOE. :)
What else is there for me to share? Hmm.
Oh yeah. I'm going to drive ni karang. Like, finally. Haha. I still haven't got my license though. Hee. But my mom insisted me to drive, so yeah, why not? Haha. First destination, Bebuloh. My nini's house. For me, I can say that it's jauh. Hehe.
And and, check out this link. It's just something to read about. For those of you yg meliat ceta Boys Over Flower/Boys Before Flower especially. I'm not sure if the news is so last month but I just want to share it here. Hehe. Someone shared this piece of information with me tadi. Addie Fadlie bin Samsudin slash gendut that is. Haha. :P
Alright. Ani tah saja x. I'm running out of ideas udah. Hehe. I will update if there's something to post nanti. Bye~ :)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
My life would suck without you
You're standing at my door
Guess this means you take back
All you said before
Like how much you wanted
Anyone but me
Said you'd never come back
But here you are again
Because we belong together now
Forever united here somehow
Yeah you got a piece of me
And honestly
My life would suck without you
Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbye
Maybe I was wrong for trying to pick a fight
I know that I've got issues
But you're pretty messed up too
Either way I found out
I'm nothing without you
Because we belong together now
Forever united here somehow
Yeah you got a piece of me
And honestly
My life would suck without you
Being with you is so dysfunctional
I really shouldn't miss you
But I can't let you go
Oh Yeah
Because we belong together now
Forever united here somehow
Yeah you got a piece of me
And honestly
My life would suck without you
My cousin had this makan2 sempena naik rumah barunya. So yeah, I was there (the house is in Kebia btw) since morning and I was only back at home by 11 pm. I missed some part of the AF concert but I'm glad that both Rini and Obri were out from AF. Especially Rini. Haha. No offence to their fans. We have our own taste kn. :)
Anyway, the plan was to go there either siang or malam. We came in the morning. Then my mother had her mind changed and decided to stay there sampai malam. I feel so bad to him. He was waiting for me to be back at home by afternoon at least. But this change of plan made him feel down katanya. And still is making him feel that way. I guess. Who am I supposed to blame? My mother? *sigh*
I know he must be upset or something. He must be so upset that he went out for his dinner. Alone at first. But then he asked Ilham to join him. At this moment I still feel bad and don't know what to do. Then, it occured to me that I should meet him skajap. So by surprise, my sister and I went to surprise him (with some help from Ilham, hehe). He was surprised alright. And I was happy to think that everything was fine. However, there is still a but there.
So now, I don't know what to do. I've tried my best to make things ok tapi entah lah. He's still sleeping atm. I think. Or maybe he's awake and just don't feel like texting me or something. Maybe. I don't know.
I did the right thing, didn't I?
Anyway, I still have some few chores to do. Saya balum terikah baju adik2 saya. Haha. Then searching for pictures for Bobi's Geography project. :)
Bah sampai sini saja. Hehe. Oh btw, on Monday makan 100 hari arwah bapa Yuh. It will be in Penanjong this time. Just wanted to share this piece of information with all of you. Hehe.
Bye. :)
Friday, March 27, 2009
4 weeks 5 days is still the longest record
Just when I thought there's going to be a new record, he asked me if I want to join him and his nephew jalan2 di Tutong. I was 70% surprised that he asked me. I thought he was joking. Banar. Haha. He was serious anyway, and so I joined them. I was literally smiling widely tadi. Happyyyy that I have the chance to meet him. After 3 weeks 5 days not seeing him, of course lah happy kn. Hehe.
So anyway, we went to Hua Ho. We went out for the sake of buying a t-shirt. His t-shirt. Hehe. And he also bought a dart set tadi. That reminds me. When we were about to go to the ground floor, berbunyi tia alarm ah. We were both surprised, and shocked! Haha. And so we checked everything with the cashier. Nothing was wrong actually. Probably it was the metal on the dart set atu x. Lame. Haha. When we went out from the main entrance nada tia bunyinya. Kambing. Kana prank x. Haha.
After that, we went to the fish section. Pet fish I mean. The one in the aquarium. Hehe. Meliat plg saja. Hehe. Then, off we went to Central Mall. His nephew wanted to buy some marbles but we didn't find any. So, no guli for him. Hehe. Then, went to Mubarak for a while. Looking for some comic. Again, this small hajat of him (Addie), nda kesampaian. Hehe.
And so, we went home. I went home. They dropped by somewhere lagi pasal anak buahnya mau membali mainan. He's 12 btw. :)
That's basically it. Eventhough the outing was short, I enjoyed it. Don't know why. Maybe it's because of the fact that I meet him, and see him. His long hair and tabamness. Haha. Anak buahnya malu sama aku so yeah, we didn't talk. Hehe. I know his name anyway. It's Farid. Farid and his uncle Addie made my day today. Especially his uncle Addie. :)
That's it I think. Hehe. Goodnight everyone. Bye!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The so-called update
I am actually too tired to update my blog now. Hehe. But anyway, I'll just say few things. If I don't get carried away though. Haha.
So, this morning I went to SMSO. SMSO was the host for the first ever financial explorace in Brunei. Huhu. 30 students from 10 schools participated. Schools from Tutong and KB saja. Hehe. I went there with my brother. We took a lot of pictures. But I didn't get the chance to put them here because the pictures were moved to my bro's laptop and now he's going somewhere. So, I'll upload the pictures here nanti. If saya rajin. Hee. Anyway, it was 40% siuk. Nda banyak orang. So much for the it's-open-to-public thing. Haha. I didn't enjoy it as much as I expected. Maybe because of the hunger x. Haha. Anyway, that's all about the race I guess.
The other thing I want to say is, I want to sleep. Haha. I will do it. Maybe after this. I'm extremely sleepy at the moment. Hehe.
Until here then. :)
Monday, March 23, 2009
The sleepover
I'll be going to my cousin's place tomorrow morning. The ride is at 7 am. Awaaaal berabisss. Haha. I will wake up, anyway. Hee.
So, this whole thing is basically for my late nini's makan 14 hari. Which is tomorrow. And the next day, Wednesday that is, is makan basar. Just something we do. Dusun people that is. Hehe. He was a brother of my grandfather (mom's side). So yeah, kana pangkat nini jua kn. :)
I won't be plurking. And hence, I expect my karma to decrease by the time I'm back at home. Maybe, just maybe, I'll plurk. To update the timeline once in a while. Hehe. Arah rumah niniku nada service bah. Yatah. How torturing is that? Haha.
That's all for now I guess. Take care everyone.
P/s: And to my dear, I will miss you gendutku. Always. :)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I am surrounded by positive things today
Andddd.... I had a day out! And I had extreme fun! Along with me were Yuh, Qeen and her Apis, Elza, Mayyer, Gixe, Zar and Oshin, the birthday girl.
So for the fun tadi, we went to the beeeaaacchhh. Seri Kenangan that is. Hehe. I really dare say that everyone was having fun fun funnnnnnn! Huhu. We exchanged stories of our life (haha), laughed at each other jokes and clumsiness, took some photos, had a walk on the beach, played with the water (basahkan kaki plg saja, hehe) and watched the sunset. :) Then, unplannedly, went to Jolibee.
After Jolibee, we dropped by at Hua Ho. Jalan saja2, membawa pasir. Haha. Then, it was time to go home. Hehe. Gixe gave me ride tadi. And oh Gixe, nice conversation we had tadi. Hehe. Short yet I still think it was cool. Somehow. Hehe. I hope we can have more conversation regarding that particular topic nanti. Aha. Somehow, we are in the same boat. :)
That's all I can say I think. Hehe. Goodnight people. :)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
I miss my boo
I wish to be with him, standing under the same cloud, on the same ground, breathing the same air. *sigh*
Good thing that I'm going out tomorrow. At least that will create some sort of distraction. :)
Friday, March 20, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
A Place Called Here
I borrowed the novel from Yuh last year. Yes, I've read it since last year. Tabal bah. Haha. Nadalah. Hehe. The last time I read it, which is late last year I think, I stopped at chapter 12. I got bored with it. I don't know. It just didn't manage to catch my attention time atu. Huhu. So, I stopped reading it.
Until recently I knew that Gixe is reading it jua and someone in plurk, Fatin that is, made it sound interesting, I decided to continue with my reading. And now, I've finished it. Well, tadi ptg. Hehe. And yes, it really is a very interesting novel. I like the ending, though maybe some of you who have read it may think that it does not have an ending. Haha. Apakan aku cakap ni. Anyway, I love the fact that it keeps me asking and wondering how everything had happened. It happened, without us knowing the reason. As Fatin said, it's a mystery. Yes, it actually ends that way. :)
Now that I'm done with it, I don't know what to do anymore. More specifically, what to read. Haha. I'm going to make a facebook account soon. As soon as my karma reach 61 that is. Haha. Mau2 jua aku ni. Huhu. Tapi plurk is having some issues at the moment. Or at least that's what I thought it was. Just that, my karma has not changed like since yesterday. And I am indeed annoyed with it.
I am planning to read this another novel titled Sleeping Around. Again, I've stopped halfway jua with this one. Haha. I love reading, and I love stopping halfway. I don't know why. Habit x. :) After this, I plan to read The Bonesetter's Daughter. I've read this few times. The story is just so nice that I don't mind reading it all over again. Haha. Plus, I miss literature class. Huhu.
I guess that's it with the updates. Sorry peeps for the lack of enthusiasm in updating my blog. I just don't know what to post. Even if I do, I really don't want to make it short. Hehe. I don't know why. I just like it even more if my post is long. Huhu.
I'll stop here. And to Elza, good luck for your first day tomorrow. I hope I'll join you guys soon. :)
Friday, March 13, 2009
The interview, etc.
The interview. Hmm. First, it was my first interview, ever. Minus the oral exams. That was sort of an interview bah jua bagiku. Haha. Anyway, it went quite ok. I think I'm safe. I don't want to be so sure though. Huhu. I didn't answer the questions blindly and blankly. Of course not. Haha. Just that maybe my answers are so-so or something. But they did seem to be impressed by some of my answers. So overall, it's a big I'M NOT SURE. Haha.
There was an accident when I was on my way this morning. On the highway near Jerudong Park. It was terribly terrible. I guessed it just happened. There were no ambulance and policemen at that time. Yet. Not yet. And Bruneians, some being as helpful as they can, tried to get the driver out of the car, which was bee-tee-double u in a very bad condition. It was stucked on the tree. On, is it on? Or in? I don't know how to describe it. It also looked like it was cut in half. I don't know lah. Yg penting teruk. Read tomorrow's paper lah. Ada x gambarnya. Hehe. The passenger was a female. She was lying on the road when we passed the scene. And the driver, I've told about the driver I think. :)
Back at home, I'm waiting for awang gendut ku. Berjalan ia lagi ke Limbang. He goes out a lot! Mau diikat ni anak ani. Haha. His brother is around, so biarkan tah saja. Waiting awaits me. Haha.
Until then, goodbye. :)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Friday the 13th
I'll be having my job interview at DLS. Basically, it has something to do with quantity surveying. Hehe. Yuh got a job there. I applied a bit late. Elza and her had applied earlier. No news about Elza getting a job there. Plus, ia ckp ia malas. Haha.
I'm keeping this short. Huhu. :)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
What the birthday calculator says about me
I was born on a Monday, under the astrological sign Gemini.
My Life path number is 7.
My fortune cookie reads:
One who admires you greatly is hidden before your eyes.
Life Path Compatibility:
I am most compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 1, 5 & 7.
I should get along well with those with the Life Path numbers 4 & 22.
I may or may not get along well with those with the Life Path number 9.
I am least compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 2, 3, 6, 8 & 11.
My birthday falls into the Chinese year beginning 1/27/1990 and ending 2/14/1991.
I was born in the Chinese year of the Horse.
My Native American Zodiac sign is Elk; my plant is Mullein.
The Hijrah (Islamic Calendar) date of my birth is Monday, 24 Dhi'l-Qa'dih 1410 (1410-11-24).
My lucky day is Wednesday.
My lucky number is 5.
My ruling planet(s) is Mercury.
My lucky dates are 5th, 14th and 23rd.
My opposition sign is Sagittarius.
My opposition number(s) is 3.
My birthstone is Alexandrite
The Mystical properties of Alexandrite
Alexandrite can assist one in centering the self, reinforcing self-esteem, and augmenting ones ability to experience joy.
Fig Tree, the Sensibility
Very strong, a bit self-willed, independent, does not allow contradiction or arguments, loves life, its family, children and animals, a bit of a butterfly, good sense of humour, likes idleness and laziness, of practical talent and intelligence.
The moon's phase on the day I was born was waning crescent.
And yes, I'm bored. Haha.
Untitled No. 7
So, as you all can see, I've changed my skin, yet again. Haha. I wasn't actually that happy with the skin at first. And so, I've changed the colour of my tagboard and plurk jua. I also changed the font. And now, I think I'm satisfied with it. I think. Huhu. I might just stick to this skin longer than all those previous ones. :)
What else?
I've submitted my hecas the other day. Like, finally, it's done. Haha. That cost me $20. :)
I've been trying to look for a job but there's actually nothing that suits me. Haha. And bukan aku memilih tu ah. Huhu. So, I guess I'll just wait for the interview from DLS. I heard Elza got the job jua. I think. Anyway, happy working to those of you who are having a job at the moment, or going to have a job soon. :)
This is it I think. I really want to fast forward to 5pm. I am so bored right now. And he's away. In Labuan that is. So 5pm, come soon. :)
*wave wave*
Friday, March 6, 2009
- Tag anyone who have their own special love one.
- Anyone who got tagged must do the same thing.
- Answer the questions below, HONESTLY.
-- Addie Fadlie bin Samsudin
2. What do you usually call him/her?
-- Dear
3. When is his/her birthday?
-- 30th August 1989
4. Do you know his/her family?
-- Yes. But I haven't actually met them.
5. How did you meet him/her?
-- We went to the same school. SMSO that is. :)
6. What is the sweetest thing he/she ever done to you?
-- Banyak. I don't want to list them here. :)
7. Does he/she ever kiss you?
-- Yes.
8. Hold your hands?
-- Yes.
9. Hug you?
-- Yes.
10. Do you ever feel like he/she is the one?
-- Yes. All the time.
11. What would you do if you saw him/her going out with another guy/girl?
-- Nothing.
12. Why?
-- Because I know he won't do that to me. :)
13. Do you love him/her?
-- Always.
14. Do you ever fight with him/her?
-- Yes.
15. Why?
-- Arguments and stuffs. It's normal in every relationship kn. :)
16. Do you ever regret being with him/her?
-- Nope.
17. Does he/she get along with your friends?
-- Yes. My friends are his friends jua. :)
18. Did you ever tell him/her something you don’t actually mean?
-- Yes. I think. Hee.
19. What do you guys have in common?
-- Hmm. Very tough question. I don't want to be sure about this. Maybe he won't agree with me. Hehe. But we did find out that we're the opposite of one another. But we are never different. Yet, we're not the same either. So, I don't know. :)
20. Did you ever tell him/her that you will marry them?
-- Yes. :D
21. Did you ever lie to him/her?
-- Yes. But not that lie lie. Just lie in a not-telling-the-truth way. Is that considered to be lying? :)
22. Did you ever sleep with him/her?
-- No. But I did watch him sleep. Haha. *I have my own reason why I'm laughing, haha* :)
23. What is the song that you want to give to him/her?
-- Hmm. I don't know. But there is this one song. It's called "Because You Loved Me" by Celine Dion. I think that song is nice. :)
24. Why do you love him/her?
-- Seriously, I don't know. Haha. I just do. :)
25. Do you think he/she is perfect?
-- Perfect for being imperfect. At least I know he's human. :)
26. What do you want to change about him/her?
-- Nothing.
27. What do you hate about him/her?
-- Again, nothing. :)
28. Did you ever cheat on him/her?
-- Technically, no. I think. I don't know. Let him judge. :)
29. How long have you been together?
-- 20 months. We had an off last year, then it's on again. Hehe. The 20 months are the time when we're in the relationship. It was supposed to be 21 months. Anyway, I don't really regret that day in July. :)
30. What are the most memorable memories that you could never forget?
-- Plenty of them. Huhu.
31. What is the sweetest gift that he/she ever got you?
-- Every gift from him is sweet. :)
32. Does he/she love you the way you do?
-- I don't know. This question goes to him. :)
33. 5 things you like the most about him/her?
-- I like everything about him. :)
34. 5 things you hate the most about him/her?
-- Nothing.
35. 5 things you find in a guy/girl?
-- Huh? Mcm out of topic saja soalan ani. Haha.
36. I tag:
-- Anyone who is in love. :)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Stressed out
One, I still haven't submitted my hecas. YES. And for some reason that I don't want to mention here (pasal aku malas bercerita) maka kusutlah saya.
Two, I feel so really very extremely bored d rumah. *sigh*
Third, I don't know what else to do except blogging and plurking.
I will try to find a job ni. Soon. Daripada batah2 menunggu interview DLS tu. Yuh had her first day working today. Congrates to her. :)
Hecas... Deadline 15th March. Any application outcomes will be notified by 31st May. *heavy sigh*
Bla bla bla. Whatevv.
What else?
Nothing interesting. Random stuffs sja.
Ok then. Goodnight people.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Untitled No. 6
I've been home alone like since 7.30 onwards tadi. My mom went to SMSO for the Pre-U students registration and stuffs. Huhu. Anyway, I'm no longer alone. My mom was back by 10.30+ tadi. :)
I'm posting something about yesterday. Nothing much. Just something that I forgot to mention yesterday. Like, seriously lupa. Haha.
Anyway, I went to Pizza Hut yesterday. With him of course. *smiling widely*
We were supposed to have lunch together. I mean, the so-called date was supposed to be around noon. But my mom lupa that I asked her to send me there. Huhu. Awuu, alum ku dapat drive. Lesen ku alum berambil. I don't want to ask my mom. Biar tia dulu. :)
So anyway, I was there at 1 something. Lapar ia menunggu. Sian dearku~ :p And for waiting that long, he ate so much. Okayy, more than that. Haha. It's not because he was hungry though. It's just that andg ia makan banyak. Gendut. :D I just love to tease him. Especially here. Ia nda dpt balas. Haha.
I think that's it. I'm off to find another skin. Hehe. Maybe I'll change it again. :)
*wave wave*
Sunday, March 1, 2009
My undefined thoughts
Last night, I had some thoughts. Thoughts about life.
I keep asking myself, who will cry for me if I die one day?
And no, I don't know anyone who will. And so I wondered again, what if there was no one? Question mark.
And regret. I wish that word never exist.
I regret some decisions that I've made, some actions that I've taken, some words that I've said. But the thing is, it's a choice between two things. You can regret for saying something that shouldn't be said, or for not saying something you should. And either way, somehow, someday, regret manage to find you.
Sometimes I wish I could choose the other decision. Sometimes I wish I could always be happy being the person I am now. Sometimes I hope people realise that I do make mistakes. And for that, sometimes I wish forgiveness is something that can be given easily. Yet, it's not. Because we know it deals with a lot of things. People's heart, mind, feelings, emotions, thoughts and so many other things.
I admit I'm a weak human being. And I don't use that as a reason to make mistakes. I did try to avoid mistakes. But sometimes, they just happened.
There are some things that I want to let some people know. How I really feel about them. That I care so much. It could be anyone. But I just don't know how to say things. Especially things like these. And so, I think, some things are better left unsaid.
And sometimes, I feel like I have no one to talk about things. No one that could only listen. Just listen. Without saying much. Maybe there's no such human being.
You might be thinking that I'm down or sad when I post this but no. I am okay. It's just that these thoughts make me think sometimes. Like, really think.
And yes, I'm glad I am me. No further questions. :)
Friday, February 27, 2009
Him, Addie Fadlie ku
-- Addie Fadlie.
2. When is his birthday?
16. Are you both together?
17. What is his full name?
18. When was the last time you meet him?
19. Rate him over 10.
20. How do you react when you see him?
21. What type of person is he?
22. What is his favourite song right now?
23. What was the sweetest thing he ever did to you?
24. What is his status?
25. How do you keep in touch with him?
26. What is his ambition?
27. What do you hate about him?
28. Rate him over 10 for being a true friend.
29. Do you ever go on a date with him?
30. Do you have a nickname for him?
31. Do you ever dream about him?
32. Do you ever imagine being with him?
33. Do you like his attitude?
34. What is he addicted to?
35. Do you have a picture of him?
-- Yes.
36. Is he someone special to you?
37. Do you ever imagine he would propose you?
38. Do you believe everything he said to you?
39. How many brothers & sisters does he have?
40. Why do you choose to talk about him from the very beginning?