Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Type A blood

I'm pretty much jobless, so here it goes. Haha.

From http://www.dadamo.com/bloodtype_A.htm, these are the only things that I can relate to myself:

The following factors are known to increase cortisol (stress hormones) levels and increase mental exhaustion for type As:

  • Crowds of people (so trueee. I avoid crowded places whenever possible)
  • Loud noise (this is also true. I get annoyed with loud noises)
  • Negative emotions (yeap, when I'm surrounded with people who have negative emotions, I tend to feel the same, which leads to me being all stressed out about it, haha)
  • Smoking (definitely hate to be around smokers)
  • Strong smells or perfumes (true, regardless how good it smells)
  • Too much sugar and starch (I'm not sure what starch actually tastes like, haha. But yea, too much of sugar kills me. When I drink/eat something too sweet, I always immediately stop drinking/eating it :D)
  • Overwork (*recalling all the times when I've overworked. None of it. I think I kinda know that I'll be stressed when I overwork, so maybe that's why I never let myself overwork :p)
  • Violent TV and movies (hahahahaha. trueeee. definitely not a fan of gruesome movies like Final Destination, Saw and etc.)
  • Lack of sleep (ohhhhh... so that's why I'm stressed sometimes! That figures. haha)
  • Extreme weather conditions (hot or cold) (cold, I'm not sure. But hot, yeaaaa. endless "panas jua eh" all the way. haha)

"Type As most often described themselves in ways related to the following characteristics: sensitive to the needs of others, good listeners, detail oriented, analytical, creative and inventive." I guess I can say some of these are true. :))

Some key lifestyle strategies for Type A individuals:

  • Cultivate creativity and expression in your life
  • Establish a consistent daily schedule (I have inconsistent daily schedule. But then again, do I even have a daily schedule or at all, a schedule? hahaha)
  • Go to bed no later than 11:00 PM and sleep for eight hours or more. Don't linger in bed, as soon as you get up, get going! (I sleep way later than 11 pm these days. But I do sleep for more than eight hours. haha. And I often linger, and sometimes when I linger, I often fall asleep. Penidur! :D)
  • Take at least two breaks of twenty minutes each during the work day. Stretch, take a walk, do deep breathing exercises or meditate. (N/A haha)
  • Don't skip meals (I skip meals sometimes, hehehe)
  • Eat more protein at the start of the day, less at the end (I don't keep track. I eat protein whenever I want. hahaha)
  • Don't eat when you are anxious (I eat when I'm anxious, mad/angry and feeling down)
  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals. (haha. funny. I eat medium-sized and less frequent meals)
  • Engage in thirty to forty five minutes of calming exercise at least three times a week. (I do not do this. heheh)
  • Plan regular screening for heart disease and cancer prevention. (lagi tia :()
  • Always chew food thoroughly to enhance digestion. Low stomach acid makes digestion more difficult. (this I do all the time. :D)

I do almost everything the opposite way. No wonder it's lifestyle strategies for Type A individuals.Haha.

That's all then. I'm doing this just for the sake of doing this, really. Haha. :p

God bless. :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Some people

Ok, I just feel like writing something here. I have no mood to continue my revision. YET. Haaaa

Let's talk about some people. :D

In your life, you probably have met and will meet these kind of people below:
  1. People who think they are cooler and more awesome than anyone else.
  2. People who judge others but don't see/accept the fact that durang pun sama jua saja ulahnya.
  3. People who are too dependent on others and only learn to be independent on the very last minute.
  4. People who give empty talks just to comfort you and to make you feel small. Yg cakapnya macam si banar.
  5. People who judge success by hardwork.
  6. People who worry TOO BLOODY MUCH as if they have no faith in Allah.
  7. People who are afraid to take risks and challenges, and to get out of their comfort zone. Also known as play-safe people.
  8. People who complain and whine A LOT! Macam semua tah kan ikut caranya saja. The world doesn't revolve around you, hello!
  9. People who never appreciate what you have done for them.
  10. People who make you feel like they're using you. Maybe they don't realise it, but when it comes to you, what you feel DOES actually count.
  11. People who think they have the worst situation in the whole wide planet Earth. Masya Allah! Sepayah mana your situation pun, ada lagi orang yg lebih susah dari kamu.
  12. People who takes a lot to say "alhamdulillah". Also known as 'orang yg inda pandai bersyukur'.
  13. People who act like they care about you and your feelings padahal inda.
  14. People who are allergic to changes.
  15. Selfish people.
Yes, I have met these kind of people. And thankfully, they didn't manage to bring me down. You see, because lousy people/so-called friends like these exist in my life, I appreciate and love my true and real friends more. So, THANK YOU! :D

I admit, by posting this here, I'm being a hypocrite, and I know I'm being sarcastic and what not. But I am built tough baby! Say whatever you want and see if I even begin to care.

God bless. :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Unhealthy feelings

I think I need to express what I've been feeling lately. Hence, the blogging.

I don't know why, but I've been feeling lazy, moody, annoyed and all those feelings that make you wanna whine all day long. Goshhhh. I really hate it!

This leads to me being unproductive. I've tried to do my work, but it's like I can't concentrate at all. I got distracted too easily.

Why? I don't even know why. Perhaps it's because of the SAP thingy. But I also have another possible reason. Which I am not going to tell anyway. Entahlah. I just hope all of this will end ASAP!

Friday, March 18, 2011

And no, I'm not perfect

I think it has become a habit for me now to update my status with some religious stuffs. I think it started with the fact that I get used to saying words like "astaghfirullah", "alhamdulillah" etc. I don't know. I get so comfortable saying them that I end up saying them all the time. Appropriately of course.

But sometimes I do wonder if it's weird or strange or perhaps maybe annoying jua to Muslims (and non-Muslims jua kali) to hear such words coming from a non-Muslim. Wallahualam. If it does offend you in every possible way, I'm sorry. To offend is never meant to be my intention. I'm just voicing my opinion. :)

I got used to growing up in a Muslim society and be friends with Muslims, that I feel like my life is revolved around Islam, or should I rather say, Islam revolves around my life.

I'm not going to say more of how I feel here. I don't want people to hate me for who I am and what I'm doing. But if they do, that's their problem I guess. :)

All I can say is, I love Islam, and personally, I think it's the only perfect religion that anyone can have. Muslims, you should be proud. :)

God bless you all.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

And you call yourselves neighbours? Righttt

I'm not trying to offend anyone and say bad things about these people. I'm saying it here because I want to know how you people think about the situation I'm about to tell.

Ok, get this.

If your neighbour yang berhajat rah kamu, who goes to whose place to tell you of their hajat? Of course lah the one yang berhajat atu kan aga ke rumah kamu. Right? Right?

Also, if you want people to know how ikhlas you are, inda kah patutnya ia sendiri yg menyampaikan apa yang ia minta atu? Inda jaaaaaa? Awuuuu sajaaaaaa.

Another thing, you don't just assume that people will agree with you, just because you've done what you want to do again. It's much more appropriate and bisai usulnya (kata orang Brunei) if minta izin dulu. Not just in Brunei, di mana2 pun regardless of your race and religion.

And this is what they do wrong to us:

First, I was the one (the one yg bukan berhajat) go to their place. Not really place. Just their zone. Sebalah pagar lagi tu saja. She doesn't even want to get out of their zone. Goshhh. This is wrong pasal ia yg patutnya go to our place, or at least our zone.

Second, bulih kah tu ia suruh amahnya menyampaikan hajat rah kami?? This is even more terribly wrong than the first one. Hah. Instead of ia sendiri bercakap, amahnya tah pulang ni wahhhh. Astaghfirullahalazeem~

Third, amahnya atu inda cakap durang minta izin. She didn't even mention the word 'izin', or at least ask if we're ok with it or inda. They just assumed we're ok with it and tarus bagi arahan.

Fourth, amahnya cakap dari sebarang saja. Inda rude mana tu? You tell me. I don't blame the amah though. Of course lah majikannya yg bagi arahan atu. So, I'm furious with the boss here. Heh.

And this is what I think they should do:

Mun kan berhajat banar2 atu, please do it properly dehhhhh. Ke rumah (nda jua jauh kali eh~), cakap sama tuan rumah (in this case, my dad of course). Kan cantik~ ada manners, beradab, respect and hormat jiran jadinya. Manis jua tu cematu atu. Nda manis kan? Manis kaliah~ Nah, mental ku sudah.

You see how one action can influence how people think of you and how people respect you? I can see it clearly alright.

Alhamdulillah, I managed not to use bad words di sini. I don't want to tell the full story here. Yes, there are 2 sides to every story. But I don't judge a story by who's right and who's wrong. I judge it by what's right and what's wrong. And trust me, I know what they did (and going to do yet again) is wrong!

Nabi (saw) bersabda:

Demi Allah tidak beriman orang itu. Seorang bertanya, "Siapakah orang itu wahai Rasulullah?" Beliau menjawab, "Orang yang jirannya tidak aman daripada bencananya."

(Bukhari, Muslim Ahmad dan lainnya)

God bless you all. :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Life's been great lately! :D

Alhamdulillah~ :))

I can't wait for the KL trip! I think I want to get over with it mostly because restricting and limiting my spending sucks so pretty bad~ hahah. Not entirely true though. I know it's gonna worth it nanti di sana. Wuhuuu~ :D

Halfway done with the semester 4 already. And so far, there's nothing depressing or frustrating about schoolwork. Alhamdulillah, I'm coping well. :)

I'm feeling kinda hyper right now. Too much glucose I assume. But what the hell. I love my amazing parents, my awesome siblings (walaupun ada yg annoying kadang2, haha), my wonderful friends and my lovely lovely boyfriend. <3

Despite the same old same old routine, life's been treating me well. I couldn't ask for more, really. Thank you Allah. :))

God bless everyone! :D

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Whoaaa! It's been like many months already!


It's really been ages ago since I've updated this. My sis has been updating her blog recently, so I guess it's getting on me now. Heheh. But nevermind that. I have lots and lots to share. I think. Hahaha.

And the updates go something like this....

UBD life:

Got very good grades last semester. Honestly, I'm proud of my results. I'll do better this semester to achieve even better grades. Insya Allah. Another thing is, I'm going to do SAP for the Discovery Year, for a year. Syukur alhamdulillah. Still hunting for the right university though. Heheh.

This semester is kinda the worst semester so far. 10 hours straight of lectures, 8 in the morning till 6 in the afternoon. And it's on Mondayyyyy. No wonder the term 'Monday blues' exists. Haha. Rightt. But I'm free on Saturday, and almost free on Wed. One hour class saja on Wed. But then, I have aerobic sessions. Finally, sampai hajat kan join aerobic club di UBD. Hahaha.


Still the same old same old thing. Hehe. But the new house will most probably start its construction this March. Can't wait! :DD But I won't be in Brunei when it's ready. Heh.

Personal stuffs:

Boyfriend is back in Brunei for 3 weeks! Wuhuuu~ I haven't had a proper date with him. Sooooon. <3 And btw, last 20th was our 44th monthsary. Alhamdulillah~ May there be many more months and years. :DD

So much for the long updates. Sikit saja pun. Or maybe pasal aku malas pikir. Hahaha. Anyway, this is my stop. Have a great day! :D