Let me just blog about how much fun I had today. Heee.
I sleptover at Yuh's place last night. It was a last minute plan actually. Hehe. And I went to the ATM around 10.30 plus pm wearing my pyjamas. Haha. Cool~ no? yes? Haha. I think it was cool pulang. Haha. Anyway, as usual we talked. Until 4 in the morning. Kerazy. Hahaha. Planning kan bangun pukul 8.30 tapi pukul 9 tah pulang jadinya. Lol.
Around 10.30ish, we're off to the airport to send Jia Shin off. She's going back to Australia. Hehe. And I met
Wan Sing and
Pei Yi! And
Jennifer too. We took a picture together. Hehe.
After that we went to the Mall. Macam nada tampat lain lagi kan disinggah kan. Haha. But it was in the plan actually. Because kami liat movie! Old Dogs. Hehe. And yes, the movie was super fun. Funny and hilarious. Berbaloilah $7 tu. Hehe.
And oh, Ilham joined us. With his gang. Haha. And poor Ilham, kana marahi. Sian eh. Poor kh? Do I feel sorry for him? Hmm. Naaahh. Haha. He somehow deserves to be treated the way Elza and Yuh treated him tadi. Haha. He did seem to feel bad. But let's just see what will happen when there's another outing nanti. Haha.
Besides movie, I also karoake-d with him. But he didn't even sing at all. I was the one who did the singing part. Haha. After 2 years plus with him, that was my first time karoake-ing with him. Hehe.
Oh we met
Oshin and her
Raiyan. And to
Raiyan, happy 1st birthday! Stay adorable and cute yea. Hehe.
What else, what else?
I bought 2 school bags for my little siblings, Dodi and Mamet. I'm so glad that they liked it after all. Hehe. And I end up not getting anything for myself at all. Haha. But the fun did it. Plus, I didn't know what to buy myself. So yeah. Hehe.
Back at Tutong, we had dinner together at Jollibee, and terjumpa
Sha di sana. Hehe.
So basically, today I met a lot of people, I spent a lot but I had a lot of fun and I enjoyed my day.
Now, I still have 1 task to be done. Menerikah baju durang adikku. Heee. Which I'm going to do after this. Hehe.
Hopefully the result will be really out tomorrow. I want to know so bad bah. But nervous jua. Hope everything is ok. Hehe.
That's all I think. Hehe. Take care~ :)
P/s: I'm happy. Thanks to those of you who made my day. ;)